ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
A friend just purchased a pair of Beoab 4000s. they are his first B and O, are new, and thus do not have line in. He has connected them to an iTouch and right now just is getting a mono signal as he needs one more cable to get the left and right to the power link inputs.
Questions are, they never go into standby and if the iTouch is disconnected they emit a loud humming sound?
Any thoughts?
Beolab 28s Beolab 9s Beolab 12-3s Beolab 1s Beolab 6000s 2 pairs Beolab 4000s Beovision 7-55 Beovision 10-40 Beoplay V1 32 inch Beovision Avant 32 inch Beosound 1 (CD player) Beosound 3000 Beosound 5 Core Essence MKII Beoplay M5
Friend tried connecting nothing but a power link between the two 4000s, nothing else. That causes both speakers to hum.
That does not seem normal, or is it?
Only an idea: Are the BL4000 MK1 or MK2 ? MK1 is with a conventional amplifier, MK2 with an icepower amplifier. Speakers with icepower amplifiers tend to hum if connected with the wrong powerlink cable. Had the same problem with my BL11 when I used an incorrect powerlink mk1 cable to connect it to my BS9000.
Steve from Sounds Heavenly wrote this on another thread:
... Here's a (hopefully!) a complete list of compatible cables for each speaker model:
Powerlink mk.1 = Beolabs 1, 2500, 4000 mk1, 6000, 8000 only
Powerlink mk.2 = All Beolab speakers except Beolab 2000 and 3500 (Penta mk.1 and Beolab 12 via adapters)
Powerlink mk.3 = All Beolab speakers except Beolab 5, 2000, 3000, 3500, 4500, 5000 and Penta (Beolab 12 via adapters)
Kind regards
BeoSound 9000 MK3, BeoLab 8000, BeoLab 6000, BeoLab 3500, LCS9000, BeoLab 11, BeoLab 7.2, BeoLab 7.1, Beolab 4 PC, BeoCenter 2300, BeoSound Century, BeoSound 8, Beosound 2, BeoVision 7-40 MK2 , BeoVision 7-32 MK3, BeoVision 6-22, BeoVision 4-42, BeoMedia 1, BeoCom 4, BeoLink 1000, BeoLink 5, BeoLink 4 & BeoTime
Thanks!. Speakers are new, ICE powered. Powerlinks being used are Mk 3. Only piece that might not be Mk3 is the RCA to Power Link adapter. An old one I had is being used while waiting for new ones from dealer that had to be ordered to arrive.
Right now the situation is:
1. If nothing is connected to speakers except for a Powerlink Mk3 between the two speakers and they are set to line in, loud humming. Set to left and right, no humming.
2. If mini jack out of iPod touch to RCA/Powerlink adapter to just one speaker, no humming, plays perfectly, but speaker will not shut off.
My thought is that once the two RCA/Powerlink Adapters arrive that the humming will be gone when connected with those cables so main problem now seems to be:
Why does the speaker not go into standby when the music is stopped?
Speakers do not go into standby even when nothing but power is connected to them. Looks like friend will be returning them.
Also, on one speaker the red light blinks once every 5 seconds.
Peter Pan - B&O Connection Adapters