ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi all,
New Beogram 4000 owner here and I need some expert help please! I purchased the turntable which was described as not working as the tonearm is unresponsive to any button pushing, but when I have examined it I have found that the small tonearm belt is not turning and is slack. I assume time for a new belt!
Can someone advise of the best place to purchase a new one please? I have seen some options on ebay but I would prefer some advice as to the best quality one to get. I assume also even if the main turntable belt appears ok it may be worth changing this as a precaution at the same time?
Thank you in advance!
Hi Lee,
Many thanks for your welcome. I will look to get in touch with him.
Kind regards,