ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I'm searching for if some one have a SW 1.x prom for a Beomaster 4500, I would like to make my existing one capable to act as a slave unit in my MCL link system.
BS3 DVB-HD, BV7-40 MKIII, BC6-26, BC6-23, BV4-50/BS2, BS5, BS9000, BL3500, MLGW, BLGW, PlayMaker, - BS6500, BS4500, LX6000, VX7000, MX5500, VX5000 - Beo6, Beo5, BeoTimex2, Linctonic
I have a BM 4500 with S/W 1.9 or 2.0 (if you are interested, I will look after the precise version), which would be capable being a slave in a Link set-up. Not sure if this helps you, because I´m willing to sell the BM 4500 complete, not only the prom.