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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


B&O 2000 turntable

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Rogerthataudio Posted: Wed, Sep 7 2016 3:27 AM

Hello I am a new member and a new owner of the subject table. Does anyone have a step by step on how to remove the top plate .clean and oil the mechanisms?

Seems the only issue is it needs help getting started. But with help from me rotating the table until the needle drops it runs fine there after....  so a good cleaning and new belt I am hopeing will have new life in this table.

Thanks again for any helpful relies  




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Ok step one complete 


what causes slow start I clean and oiled moving parts. Seems like the motor does not have the guts to get started. 


All other functions work fine


any addition suggestion would be greatly appreciated

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Ok guys, looking for someone with experiences with sluggish start on Beogram 2000

Here are my thoughts on this issue:

Once it gets past the auto start sequence it run fine and retuned at the end of the record without issue.

- white gears that are turned by the platter.  seems like it need a fair amount of force to move levers  for contacting switches  are these lubtcated?  Should I take these gears off to clean and lubricate  ?


- do these servo motors get weak?  Seems like a likely problem  


- belt being old  ?  I watched this cycle without the top cover and it did not slip it just stops when going through the start cycle  


my conclusion is too much friction or not enough torque on the motor anymore  


looking for for you assistance 


thank you!,,,


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Orava replied on Mon, Sep 12 2016 9:11 AM

BG 2000 from 70 or 80´s?

In 70´s case I would say, through disassembly, cleaning and lubrication, including motor.


 blah-blah and photographs as needed

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