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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


DVD2 front plate lid hinge

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Top 150 Contributor
Helsinki - Finland
Posts 689
Bronze Member
lausvi Posted: Wed, Sep 14 2016 6:17 PM

I took a risk and bought a non-tested DVD2 from eBay. It was advertised with just "powers on and takes disc in, can't test further without a remote" but it looked Ok and the final price of 50 eur was good enough :) I have always liked the form-factor of the DVD2/HDR -units and this would play along nicely with my Beovision 3-32.

I received the unit today, it was very well packed. I have tested it and it seems to be working just fine. I downloaded the service manual and run the "End User/Dealer script" hardware testing and it run succesfully!

On the front it looks pretty good. It has several hit-marks on the sides and at the edges of the top plate but generally it looks Ok.

Inside the unit couple of plastic screw mounts were cracked and there was very slight rusting on the aerial connectors, probably the unit has been in storage and being kicked around.

Inside I saw couple issues of broken plastic parts, mainly screw-mounts:

The only problem is the front panel lid's hinge. There seems to be at least one part missing: the arm that connects the hinge itself to the toothed slider inside the case. The locking mechanism (above) was broken but I was able to re-assemble it glue it back to one piece.

If I now push the toothed slider in, it locks and releases Ok.

Should it simply have a higher piece at the end, and then an arm that connects it to the joint at the far end of the lid?

Could somebody post a picture how the hinge thingy should look like? Just a view from outside the case would help. I have access to a 3D-printer, so I might be able to re-create the parts given enough information how it should look.

Or: any chance of DVD2 being new enough to have spare parts still being available from B&O?

Top 150 Contributor
Helsinki - Finland
Posts 689
Bronze Member
lausvi replied on Tue, Sep 27 2016 4:52 PM

Bump Smile

Anyone to provide a picture of working left-side hinge of DVD2?

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