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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Needle Drop

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Bronze Member
Wyzard Posted: Wed, Oct 5 2016 7:22 PM

I have noticed that on some of my LP's the needle drops about 1 to 2 seconds into the first song. How can I adjust the needle drop about 1/16 inch further from the first song?


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Posts 33
Bronze Member
spangle replied on Wed, Oct 5 2016 7:37 PM

Hey! Unfortunately this is going to be super vague, but I had a similar issue on my Beogram 5500 (about 5 years ago). If you open up the top case, there are two screws to loosen / tighten that control where the needle drops on both 7" and 12" record sizes respectively. 

I know it's not the greatest instruction, but maybe it's something to help any google searching! 

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