ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi All,
Does anyone know if my Beocom 6000s will work in Switzerland. I have the separate roughly A5 sized PSTN (black).
No Swiss B&O fans then?!
Taking a chance, if it has an rj11 plug and not a bt one you should be ok.
If it has a bt plug they are easily replaced or get an adapter. Pstn voltage/current is fairly standard .
hi, i have just bought a beocom 4 which is coming out to Thailand from the u/k/
i bought an adapter from this guy simomclarkbusiness on ebay, there are many available but you need to have it ring for incoming calls
this is what his ad said..........
The Adaptor comes complete with its own internal ringing capacitor to enable your UK phone to ring for incoming calls when connected either to a foreign telephone system or to a Premicell type device.
The Adaptor is a full PSTN master and will work with any UK phone & phone system.
check his site and ask him about Switzerland, he is very helpful
Thanks for the info all.
bidstonhall, I cannot seem to find Simon Clark on eBay. Do you have a link?
how's this