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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beomaster 5500 - faulty phono

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qajac Posted: Mon, Aug 6 2012 10:52 PM

I just got my hands on a Beomaster 5500. It works beautifully with My CD-player. My record decks (Beogram 4004 &Beogram 5000) are quite another matter as the output level is very low; not half the volume produced from CD.  I get approx. the same result connecting either turntable to the PHONO inlet as when I plug it into TAPE.

Wonder what might be the matter?  



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Calvin replied on Mon, Aug 6 2012 11:35 PM

The Phono output is a lower level to the tape, hence the different inputs (rather than just Input A, B etc).  If it's still very low it sounds like it's an issue with the pre-amp which boosts the volume up to the regular line level.  At this point, I'm not sure how to proceed, though generally with older equipment the answer is that a capacitor needs replacing and that means an afternoon opening it up and playing about with a multimeter.  Occasionally you get lucky and something inside looks damaged (because capacitors leak mess when they go)

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qajac replied on Wed, Aug 8 2012 8:28 PM

Thanks :-)

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Calvin replied on Wed, Aug 8 2012 11:52 PM

I kinda hoped someone else would join in with their suggestions.  If you open it up though, you're likely to either find a loose connection or see a capacitor with some sandy baked on crap underneath it.  Hopefully it's the last in which case that's where your work is due.  Otherwise though, it's just a component loose or losing spec, in which case buy a multimeter and set asides a few hours.  Unfortunately I don't know which part/s have a track record.

Anyone else?

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U.K.West Midlands
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Don't get much trouble from the phono preamp in the BM5500.Could it have been "got at" by a tinkerer,looking to improve(ruin?) the performance?

Is the sound distorted on phono,or just very low?

I suspect technical investigation will be needed.The manual may be on site for perusal?


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qajac replied on Thu, Aug 9 2012 7:39 PM

- No distortion, just very low volume.

(I purchased the amp for nothing at a yardsale so one can imagine al sorts of things. It doesn't seem to have been tampered with  much, however. Could I fix it, it would be a nice replacement for my old bulky onkyo amp with t's worn potmeters etc. as, also, I happen to have a BL1000 terminal lying around unused.)

I haven't got my hands on a manual (yet).  

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U.K.West Midlands
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They are great receivers,and well worth restoring to full order.There is a seperate regulator transistor (tr1)that supplies 26 volt just to the phono pre-amp.You can find it on the bottom left hand panel,beneath the hinge up tuner module.It may be faulty,supplying too low a voltage?

It will only cost pennies,might be worth swapping anyway?


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