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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beosystem 2500 / Turntable?

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JimmyJeff Posted: Wed, Dec 21 2016 5:45 PM


I am as of 5 minutes ago... very new to this forum and not much on technical matters. I have had my Beosystem 2500 since 1991 and have recently acquired a brand new (in the plastic) Beogram RX2 turntable. I understand that the RX2 does not have a pre-amp. 

I am hoping that someone might be able to confirm that the RX2 will or will not work with my 2500 with a pre-amp.

Appreciate any assistance. 







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Peter replied on Wed, Dec 21 2016 9:51 PM

It will work - shame it is an RX2 as it has no remote - the others could be adapted to work with the 2500. It attaches to the AUX socket but will need the RIAA amp connected. The RX2 is however a rather good sounding deck - in my opinion easily a match for the later tangentials.

Welcome to Beoworld - let us know if you have any problems and a picture once set up would be nice!


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JimmyJeff replied on Wed, Dec 21 2016 11:13 PM

Thank you Peter

I guess i could consider buying a turntable with Pre-amp. They look to be hard to find and pricey. Recommendations. 

What might be the value of the inbox RX2?




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Exeter, United Kingdom
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Like you, I've had my Beosystem 2500 since 1991 but it's only recently I've considered using it with a turntable - a Beogram 6500 - should my Beomaster 6500 need repair/service.



Visually, I think there is quite a good aesthetic match, with the polished panels of the Beogram mirroring the, albeit thin, polished trim of the control plate of the 2500. The 6500 and the identical Beogram 7000 both have a built in pre-amp as well. However, I suspect the RX2 is a better-built deck, given its similarity to the Beogram 5000. It was originally marketed without a specific cartridge and with RCA phono plugs - does yours come with a cartridge and with the original phono plugs?



As for the value of your 'new' Beogram, that's hard to judge - there are others on this sight who are better qualified to offer advice.




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JimmyJeff replied on Thu, Dec 22 2016 2:52 PM

Thanks Cleve

Really useful info and greatly appreciate your guidance. 


I do not have a cartridge with the RX2




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JimmyJeff replied on Thu, Dec 22 2016 3:28 PM

Hi Cleve


I have been wondering your comment about the RCA phono plugs. 

"It was originally marketed without a specific cartridge and with RCA phono plugs - does yours come with a cartridge and with the original phono plugs?"


This may be an obvious question but...Can I simply purchase a cartridge from Soundsmith for the RX2? Or is it more complicated than that?


Thanks again 

Top 150 Contributor
Exeter, United Kingdom
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Hi Cleve

This may be an obvious question but...Can I simply purchase a cartridge from Soundsmith for the RX2? Or is it more complicated than that?

Thanks again

There are basically 3 options for sourcing a suitable cartridge -

1. buying a new SMMC 1-5 cartridge from Soundsmith;

2. buying a used MMC1-5 (which often appear on eBay) which may or may not have much workable life left in it - it's not the stylus condition so much as the suspension that causes these old cartridges to fail.

3. buying a heavily used MMC1-5 on eBay for less than the cost of option 2 and then getting it refurbished by one of the specialists such as Franz-Josef at

The other choice is what level of quality you want. The MMC series of cartridges that fit the arm on the RX2 ran from the entry level MMC5 up to the top of the range MMC1. (Soundsmith prefix these type numbers with 'S', eg SMMC4.) The choice is yours as the body and internals of all 5 models are the same - it's the cantilever material and the stylus profile that determines the cost. The refurbishment costs for Frank-Josef's work range from about €99 up to something well over €200 for the more sophisticated models.

If you do have RCA phono plugs on the Beogram, you can readily buy a phono to 5 DIN adaptor.

Hope that helps,


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Peter replied on Thu, Dec 22 2016 6:49 PM

The SMMC range from Soundsmith are very good. More in a modern idiom as far as sound is concerned but use modern materials and from experience are excellent. Second hand cartridges are a lottery - always assume they will need fixing and you may be pleasantly surprised!

As you need an RIAA anyway, not really an issue as far as plugs are concerned.

If I was getting a deck with an RIAA, I would get the Beogram 6000 quad - but I am a bit strange!



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JimmyJeff replied on Fri, Dec 23 2016 12:15 AM

Thank you for your assistance gentlemen. You all are very kind to a newbie!

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JimmyJeff replied on Tue, Dec 27 2016 11:20 PM

I am trying to purchase the pre-amp and wiring required for this hookup. Any advice or recommendations? 

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