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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beomedia 1 not responding to Beo4 (anymore?)

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Top 150 Contributor
Vorarlberg / Austria
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Heribert Posted: Mon, Aug 13 2012 8:26 AM

Dear all,


I have a BM1 and this was connected to my BV8-40 in the main room. Everything worked perfectly. As the compartment of all the STB was a little small and due to AppleTV4 too warm I decided to move the Beomedia into a link room and connect it to my BV8-32 there. It is now connected as PC with VGA and Audio and is also masterlinked.

When pressing N.Radio it starts with N.Radio no matter where in the house I am. Everything as expected. The problem is, that it does not respond to the Beo4 in the link room when pressing PC. It starts as PC and I can see the main menue, but then no response... 

So I tried to plug in a IR puck eye and hoped this helps - no response either...

Any ideas, why it was working on BV8-40 in main room, but not on BV8-32 in Link room?


Thanks fpr your advices,



BV 11-46  / Beoplay V1 -40 / Apple TV 1+3 / Beosound Essence MK2 / BL3 / 2* BL11 / BL 6000 / BL 12-1 / BL 2000 / 3 * Beo4 /BL Converter 1611

Top 150 Contributor
Vienna, Austria
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hfat replied on Mon, Aug 13 2012 12:39 PM

Hi Heribert,

Check in BM1 system menu if it is configured to respond to PC command. Normally the BM1 automatically configures to PC command if it is masterlinked.

It seems that your source definition in BV8 is correctly set to PC but BM1 responses to a different command.


Top 150 Contributor
Vorarlberg / Austria
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Heribert replied on Mon, Aug 13 2012 7:07 PM

The system settings show "greyed and unselectable" the command PC and VM Option 2.


BV 11-46  / Beoplay V1 -40 / Apple TV 1+3 / Beosound Essence MK2 / BL3 / 2* BL11 / BL 6000 / BL 12-1 / BL 2000 / 3 * Beo4 /BL Converter 1611

Top 150 Contributor
Vienna, Austria
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hfat replied on Mon, Aug 13 2012 7:35 PM

That's exactly how it should be. If you restart the bm1 is there a red dot in the right hand bottom corner shown?


Top 150 Contributor
Vorarlberg / Austria
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Heribert replied on Mon, Aug 13 2012 7:48 PM
Yes, there is that red dot. What does that mean?


BV 11-46  / Beoplay V1 -40 / Apple TV 1+3 / Beosound Essence MK2 / BL3 / 2* BL11 / BL 6000 / BL 12-1 / BL 2000 / 3 * Beo4 /BL Converter 1611

Top 150 Contributor
Vienna, Austria
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hfat replied on Mon, Aug 13 2012 7:52 PM


The bm1 is now connected to the video slave which is in v.opt 6 i suppose. The config is showing v.opt, which is the bv8 in the main room.

If you press pc in the link room the bv8 starts its local source PC, but does not receive any command from the video master, so there is no reaction.

To solve this you could try the following:

Remove the pc source definition in main room bv8.

Restart the whole masterlink system, by removing power from all master linked devices and restart beginning with video master then audio master and the link systems.

After this bm1 should show PC v.opt 6, but you will not be able to use bm1 in the main room.


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Vienna, Austria
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hfat replied on Mon, Aug 13 2012 7:54 PM

The red dot indicates "stand by" and disappesrs when the configured source command is received the first time after restart


Top 150 Contributor
Vorarlberg / Austria
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Heribert replied on Mon, Aug 13 2012 8:29 PM
I deleted the PC setting I had before in BV8-40 and powered down the ML network. Then after some seconds I powered it up as you said. The Bm1 was still in PC and VM opt 2 but now the fields were selectable and changeable? Strange. The BEO 4 was working well now with the BM1 till I sent it to standby. A new try and it did not work anymore... What is wrong?

The TV is in V.opt 6.

In main room the N.Radio is working without problems. I do not need PC there as there is anyhow no video connection.


BV 11-46  / Beoplay V1 -40 / Apple TV 1+3 / Beosound Essence MK2 / BL3 / 2* BL11 / BL 6000 / BL 12-1 / BL 2000 / 3 * Beo4 /BL Converter 1611

Top 150 Contributor
Vienna, Austria
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hfat replied on Mon, Aug 13 2012 8:38 PM

If the fields are selectable it shows that bm1is ready to receive commands via its ir-eye connector instead of ML. So now you should connect the ir-eye and it should work in the link room


Top 150 Contributor
Vorarlberg / Austria
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Heribert replied on Mon, Aug 13 2012 9:01 PM
I plugged the IR in and it seems to work. I will do more tests tomorrow. Thank you so much for the valuable help.


BV 11-46  / Beoplay V1 -40 / Apple TV 1+3 / Beosound Essence MK2 / BL3 / 2* BL11 / BL 6000 / BL 12-1 / BL 2000 / 3 * Beo4 /BL Converter 1611

Top 150 Contributor
Vienna, Austria
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hfat replied on Mon, Aug 13 2012 9:05 PM

Great to hear it's working


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