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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beolab 6000 as center speaker

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liviu_o Posted: Thu, Aug 16 2012 1:30 PM

Hello all!

What are your opinions about using a beolab 6000 as center speaker ( until I get a 7.1)? Any suggestion about the stand I can use ( is there a useable stand or I have to DIY it?).

My setup is : 2 8000's as fronts/ 2 6000's as rears/ 6000 as center/ no subwoofer/   conected to a Rotel RSX 1057.

Thank you!

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jkhamler replied on Thu, Aug 16 2012 2:11 PM

No experience myself - I imagine it sounds very clear for voice and light music. I just noticed this ad - somebody has been doing exactly this!


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liviu_o replied on Thu, Aug 16 2012 3:02 PM

Thank you for your answer. I am still looking for a reliable solution for stand, as I don't know if a beolab 3500 stand can be adapted or not for beolab 6000.

Maybe a B&O dealer can help me.

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Looking at the picture on the link on gumtree that's definitely a lab3500 wall bracket maybe just screwed straight through the aluminium speaker itself?  I don't own a pair of 6000 so I don't know where the cable normally would come out so I'm not sure how you would sort the wiring out but as for the stand that's definitely a 3500 wall bracket so you should be able to use a 3500 table stand as well. You would have to buy another speaker top as well to cover up the bottom I think. 

Hope that helps let me know how you get on as it's something I'm also interested in doing.

On another thought have you thought about using a 3500 with a fret covering the entire speaker including the display? This way the wires are exactly where you want them and so is the bracket. Also you can pick them up very cheap these days £400. And correct me if I am wrong as I do not know but I once read on hear that a 3500 was like two 6000 stuck together twice the amount of woofer and tweeters. Like I say I don't now for certain just trying to help

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You can also get the 3500 converted so it just acts as a speaker no need for masterlink. 

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liviu_o replied on Thu, Aug 16 2012 4:18 PM

Beolab 6000 has the wires coming out through its I unscrewed the baseplate and let it this was....only the cilinder with wires coming out...not so great but nothing bad in it.

I read some reviews about 3500 as center speaker ( here on the forum) and the feed-back is not positive.

The problem with the 6000 with no stand is that äs cylinder the loudspeaker tend to orient is speakers toward the ceiling due to the weights inside it I really need it oriented toward audience.

I am curious about the differences between 7.1 and 6000 as center speaker because the price differnece is 3:1 ( 1500 vs 500 euros - SH). I am wondering if it's really neccesary to invest into 7.1.

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jkhamler replied on Thu, Aug 16 2012 4:25 PM

Have you already bought the single BeoLab 6000? If not what about a used BeoVision with a built-in center speaker? There are some good used bargains out there!

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liviu_o replied on Thu, Aug 16 2012 4:26 PM

I already bought it:)

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2012martin replied on Thu, Aug 16 2012 10:57 PM

You could always attach your 6000 to a 3500 table stand with two screws straight into the speaker making your own holes of course. And run the cables from one end of the speaker to the centre and put a end cap the same as the top plate on the other end.

When Lay horizontal will the speakers not either be on the left or the right or are they spaced evenly within the 6000 ?

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liviu_o replied on Fri, Aug 17 2012 5:27 AM


several problems:

- when I'll have to drill the holes I have to be sure that I "don't find oil" :)) ( maybe amplifiers or wires are just around the corner) maybe I need a detailed booklet of 6000 so see what's inside

- the wires comes out of the speaker through its end, so in order to use an end cap I have to drill one hole on the end cap to take out the wires :))

- when layed orizontal the BL 6000 will have its speakers on its left ( not even spaced as BL 3500), but the sound it's doesn't seem to come from the left part of the screen

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Once the base plates off can you not see inside? Instead of drilling a hole through your new top cap why not take a tiny piece out off the bottom back of the speaker (like a tiny u just big enough to fit the cables through) and then slide the complete new top plate on the end. 

Hope that makes sense


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liviu_o replied on Fri, Aug 17 2012 12:00 PM

I don't think that's so easy to cut the metal of the loudspeaker. That make sense of course and it will be useable even if i switch it as a normal loudspeaker but not sure how can it be done without damages.

About table/wall stand: I am thinking that instead of drilling the cilinder maybe is better to glue a rectangle piece of something that can be drilled and the stand mount on that piece.

Still waiting for thoughts from users or B&O dealers.

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JC replied on Fri, Aug 17 2012 2:17 PM

See if you can purchase a 3500 speaker cabinet (tube), 1 x end plate from your dealer. I then imagine you can mount all the 6000 internals straight into it.

Never done it but maybe someone has or has had a go???



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liviu_o replied on Fri, Aug 17 2012 2:54 PM

Hi JC,

our dealer in Bucharest/Romania is not so big and I think that he hasn't any accesories...never speaking of a 3500 empty tube :)

But I'll check tommorow morning and post the result.

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JC replied on Fri, Aug 17 2012 3:07 PM

He will not have it in stock but will be able to order one from B&O directly.


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If you were thinking of gluing why not glue it straight to a 3500 table stand? I have one and there's plenty of surface area you could glue it too.

As for the cables you could get a small round metal file. it looks like a knife sharpener but not as wide. And I'm pretty sure if you filed the boTtom back centre of the speaker repeatedly backwards and forwards you would end up with the perfect u shaped hole and it will be smooth and you can stop when it gets big enough. And if you ever wanted to Chang it back to a normal upright speaker the damage would be virtually unnoticeable once back on the floor stand.

Depending on wire thickness you could use a normal flat metal file and usi it sideways.

Hope this makes sense and hope it helps.


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liviu_o replied on Sun, Aug 19 2012 4:26 PM

I went yesterday morning at B&O dealer was closed. I'll try again tommorow.

If I cannot find the stand here I'll buy it from Vienna as I have a friend there next week. I'll think more about glueing/drilling+screwing when I'll have the stand in my hands:)

Martin, I didn't understood the tool you are proposing me to use for the wires. Maybe a picture will help more :)



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Heres a link

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liviu_o replied on Sun, Aug 19 2012 6:43 PM

Maybe it's better to take another 6000 and use 2 center speakers ( see my other topic). 

With the tv mounted on the wall or on a stand and  the 6000's on either side of it.

Any partisans of this idea?


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Jeff replied on Mon, Aug 20 2012 5:54 PM


Maybe it's better to take another 6000 and use 2 center speakers ( see my other topic). 

With the tv mounted on the wall or on a stand and  the 6000's on either side of it.

Any partisans of this idea?



That could work, some comb filtering undoubtedly but if the L and R are far enough out, should work OK. I've seen two Beolab 4000's side by side on their sides below a monitor, that worked really well.

One thing I'd wonder about with a single 6000 is, is it's max output capability might be a tad small for a center channel. In most movies, the center channel produces about 70% of the sound as opposed to the L and R and surrounds.


I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus. Sad

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liviu_o replied on Mon, Aug 20 2012 9:30 PM

AMAZING!!!  I tried both my rear 6000's as center speakers conecting them to center's line out on ROTEL but not moving them.

Even from rear position the sound was amazing....Mark Knopfler/Live at Atrium; Adele/Royal Albert Hall/ Sade- Bring me home    were wonderful.

Jeff U were right about the power on a single 6000 as center as sometimes I found that I wanted to go louder with the center....but 2 6000's are perfect.

Enough with searches for stand adaptation/end cap drill and other.....I'll go for 2 6000's

My wife will be unhappy with another 2 loudspeaker in living room:) but that's life.

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Jeff replied on Tue, Aug 21 2012 7:01 PM

You can never have too many speakers, just tell your wife it's for guys what shoes are for girls! Surprise

Put the 6000's you're using for centers as close to each side of the TV as possible, then put the L and R mains out as far as practical, you should get a killer wide spread wall of sound.


I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus. Sad

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liviu_o replied on Tue, Aug 21 2012 8:30 PM

Thx Jeff,


best advices in a long time ;)

That's what I'll do ...don't know in what order!


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