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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


6500 & Penta & MCP6500

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DeaconBlue2016 Posted: Sat, Feb 11 2017 8:22 PM

I have connected an iPad cable to Tape 2 - all a working fine, when suddenly my MCP 6500 said there was 'No connect' and I couldn't turn off the iPad music. 

Secondly, speakers crackled, made some din, as the volume was up, but couldn't turn it down.

I moved the MCP 6500 nearer to the 4 components and hey presto it connected and I was able to use it.

Has anyone else experienced this or is their a maximum distance the MCP should be from the component parts?

New batteries have been installed.

Top 500 Contributor
Randers, Denmark
Posts 129
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Kromer replied on Sun, Feb 12 2017 12:52 AM

I recently had some things services and I asked about the same IR issue with my 6500. I was told that it is quite common for the BM6500 and a routine service should fix it. He quoted me about 120 £ 

The noise from the speakers sounds to me like a different problem.



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