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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beocenter 2500 with Beolab 3500 - can't control volume separately

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Nordland Posted: Mon, Feb 20 2017 12:07 AM

Finally got my old B&O stuff out of storage, and set up the BC 2500 in one room, and the BL 3500 in another, both connected with a ML cable. 

I bought a splitter to make room for the extra ML cable, so the BC speakers are connected using the splitter, and the cable to the BL 3500 plugs directly into the other ML socket. 

Everything works great - I can control the system from both the BC and BL, set the source, on/off etc. Volume works great, except I cannot control the volume separately, i.e. no matter how I change volume, both the BC and BL are affected. 

I've tried everything I could think of, but can't figure it out. Since the room with the BL is much larger than the BC I need to set the volume much higher.. right now, I'm either barely hearing the music from the BL, or the BC is super loud. 

I've tried the obvious - the BL is in Option 6, the BC in option 2 (tried 1 as well, even 0..) and the BL s/w level is 2.0. 

I have the Bed 4 and Beolink 5000 remotes..

Appreciate any help! 


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Guy replied on Mon, Feb 20 2017 6:29 AM

Hi and welcome to Beoworld.

I am slightly confused by your setup, and specifically the fact that you 'bought a splitter to make room for the extra ML cable'.  There should only be one ML cable, routing to the BL3500.  The speakers for the BC2500 should be connected to a Powerlink socket, not an ML connection.


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Nordland replied on Mon, Feb 20 2017 7:02 AM

Yes, sorry.. I think I may have my terminology wrong. I meant to say that I connected the BL 3500 with a Powerlink cable (assuming this is the 7 (or 9?) pin round plug. There are two plugs on the 3500 - the wide narrow one (which I think they call MCL,) and the round one (that I thought was called ML, but maybe that's Powerlink..) Anyway, it's the round plugs that I'm using. Hope this helps. 



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Guy replied on Mon, Feb 20 2017 7:27 AM

The round plugs/sockets (8pins including a central one) are powerlink - they are wired in parallel and are a variable volume controlled output - hence whatever you do to one also happens to the other.  Hence the problem.

The BL3500 in the other room should be connected by Master Link, but to do this you need a Beolink Converter 1611 which is itself connected to the BeoCenter by a 7 pin Aux/Datalink cable.  Then a MasterLink cable would run from this converter to the BL3500 in the other room.


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Nordland replied on Mon, Feb 20 2017 8:48 PM

Great, thanks!

The cables plugged in so nicely so I hoped it would be as simple as that.. oh well. 

I'll look for a converter and give it a try.


thanks for the quick answer!

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