ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I have two beolink passive, the one is called Beolink Passive, the other one ML/MCL converter.
The beolink passive linkeye is very good, but the linkeye at ML/MCL is very bad. It only works when I point the remote direct into it. What is wrong? Is it the linkeye or the software?
Did you try to switch both ir eyes to check if the behaviour is the same on each unit? Did you install it yourself, maybe wrong soldering?
Two other possibilities - both long-shots but worth checking:
- Is there dirt on the inside (or even outside) of the IR window on the faulty sensor?
- Is there a plasma TV in the same room as the faulty one - this has been known to cause interference with older IR eyes?
The bad linkeye is completely new, but I will try to switch them and see what will happen then! ;-)
And no plasma tv. ;-)
Where did you buy it? Is your ML/MCL installed permanently? If not, take it to your dealer with the bad eye and he should test it. Maybe it's not compatible, wrong type or like this?!
I do not buy anything from new. If it was a dealer I had called him immediately! ;-) And yes it is installed permanently - my things have to look nice! :)
Okay, than you have to do some work ;-)- start with switching the Beolink eyes- check the wiringfor example: are many threads on the forum helping about wiring. Please use the search function.