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DLNA app for IOS with chromecast audio support

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steve1977 Posted: Sat, Mar 25 2017 7:28 AM

I have been mentioning this topic in a related thread (, but worth to elevate.

With Chromecast becoming universally supported by most B&O products, I would be curious what apps for IOS colleagues are using to stream to chromecast. Spotify and TuneIn are obvious.

However, I have not found any good DLNA app for IOS that allows streaming to chromecast audio devices. VLC has still not implemented chromecast streaming. I dislike the GUI and UX of allcast, goodplayer or C5.

Would be curious to learn what others are using for casting DLNA to chromecast.

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CB replied on Sat, Mar 25 2017 8:16 AM

Deezer is also obvious...

DS Audio, the Synology NAS audio app. Not wonderful, but simple and it does the job...

Google Home, necessary to check if the streaming is still activated, and to be sure to stop it (I use a BS35 and a Chromecast Audio), and to create groups.

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steve1977 replied on Sat, Mar 25 2017 9:27 AM

Thanks for your message. I checked out DS Audio and the clean interface looks good to me. However, description says that it requires a Synology NAS to run. Is this correct and/or is there some work-around? Also, I didn't see a notion that it supports chromecasting?

I know Google Home, but did not see that it has a DLNA controller included. Are you sure this is the case? Quick google search did not show.

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CB replied on Sat, Mar 25 2017 9:46 AM

The DS Audio app requires a Synology NAS (it's a proprietary app), and also the audio server running on the NAS...

And yes, DSM (Synology OS) supports Chromecast. Other NAS vendor may provide equivalent apps...

The Google Home app is not a player, it only allows the setting of the (chrome)casting (sorry for the misunderstanding).

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Why not just use the - for ages - built-in DLNA renderer function in the B&O devices to stream from your DLNA server.

I use (or rather used to use) the 8Player or the good old PlugPlayer for that.

They also have support for AirPlay, if your setup should include 'non-B&O' AirPlay devices.


Maybe you are trying to 'group' your Google Cast devices (including 'nonB&O' ones) in order to get a multiroom solution?

That could reason enough for looking for a DNLA player, that has support for google casting.

I have been able to find one as of now!



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steve1977 replied on Sat, Mar 25 2017 2:46 PM

Why not just use the - for ages - built-in DLNA renderer function in the B&O devices to stream from your DLNA server.

I use (or rather used to use) the 8Player or the good old PlugPlayer for that.

They also have support for AirPlay, if your setup should include 'non-B&O' AirPlay devices.

DLNA and airplay are fine, but both do not allow to do multi-room. DLNA not at all and airplay only from itunes. So, chromecast with its multi-room feature is a lot more convenient

Maybe you are trying to 'group' your Google Cast devices (including 'nonB&O' ones) in order to get a multiroom solution?

That could reason enough for looking for a DNLA player, that has support for google casting.

I have been able to find one as of now!

You have or you have not?

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Just played from my NAS (a FLAC file) using the 8Player iOS app -> AirPlay to my BS Essence -> Join-in on my V1.

No problem!!!

AirPlay distribution over NL is supported since a couple of weeks.

Music Stream = using the DLNA renderer function of the Essence for distribution on the NL has been supported for long.


I thought your 'problem' is, that you have other Google Cast devices, that you want to use with the B&O devices....

...which is not possible using a DLNA app - not one that I know of!


Which means:

I should have written, that I have NOT - sorry!



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steve1977 replied on Sat, Mar 25 2017 11:55 PM
Yes and no. all devices are b&o, but some of them are old (e.g., beolit 12), so i'm using a chromecast audio dongle to bring them into multi-room.

works well with spotify et al and i can play to all NL and "old" b&o devices.

pity that there appears to be no working solution to do so with dlna.

thanks for your replies.
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moto228 replied on Tue, Jul 4 2017 1:23 PM

I think the Glider Music Player app might do what you need:

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reads very promising. have you tried it? it "forces" me to link it to apple music, which makes me a bit suspicious.
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moto228 replied on Wed, Jul 5 2017 2:23 AM

Yea, I use it for local playback with my H5's when I'm out of the house, and at home I use it to stream from a NAS drive to both a Chromecast Audio and Sonos. I don't think it forces you to enable Apple Music if you don't want to play local files.

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Thanks for the tip!

But, I've had no luck with it. It did find my servers, but did not succeed to scan the content.

It kept on writing 'syncing' for ever and had to start to again next time the app was opened.


Tried my good old 8Player app to see, if everything was ok with the servers - it was ok (as expected).

AND...surprice, I noticed that the 8Player now supports casting as well ;-)

My Chromecast devices (including the Homegroup with all together) were there as output devices.

And it works/works well as it should.


So I deleted the Glider app - why should I keep it?


Apart from the strange icons displaying the output devices, I'm pleased with this (unexpected) solution.

Please click the pic for full view


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8player doesn't meet my expectation on modern UI, do prefer not to use it. let me try to play around with glider a bit more to see whether i can get it to work. it does seem to have an adequate design.
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So, please report back.

Not offering an iPad version is a drawback for me, in any case.


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steve1977 replied on Fri, Jul 7 2017 12:40 AM
Same issue that you experienced. after activating apple music, it did find my dlna server. however, it shows "syncing" forever and still "0 songs". it's a pity as it appears like a nicely designed app.
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moto228 replied on Fri, Jul 7 2017 12:55 AM

That stinks.

It works great for my setup with local Apple Music files plus two different media servers (MinimServer and Twonky). All of the music is presented as one big library which adapts when the media servers go offline. I've never seen this type of feature before, and it's really quite slick. Of course, it's only slick if it can actually load your music :)

It looks like they have a community forum that's somewhat active. Maybe post the issue there?

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Did you pay in-app or did it also work before? i'll check out their forum.
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moto228 replied on Fri, Jul 7 2017 1:20 AM

I did pay in-app, but everything worked before that.

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i'm in touch with the developer. he's fixing my issue. also has more plans with the app and an ipad app is also on the horizon.

with the X app being so buggy, this may be a great alternative for all of us to stream dlna and apple music via airplay or chromecast to b&o devices.
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Alright - I might be giving it a go another day, then.


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I did pay in-app, but everything worked before that.

Just tried again - same result ;-(

I wonder what you do to get it working?


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In my case, Glider didn't support my UPNP server. The developer is fixing this and had sent me a beta version to try it out. It is mostly working now, but he is helping to iron out some more things.

The bug fixes will be included in the Glider version after next (next one is already under review). So, you'll need to wait a bit until it will work out. Well worth the wait though as the app is everything that the X app should have been...

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Well well, I have 3 different DLNA servers running 24/7 - will try another one and another one... to see what happens.


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Also happy to point the developer in your direction if you are willing to beta-test and if has capacity to take on another trouble-shoot exercise. What UPNP servers are you using? And out of curiosity, why three different ones?

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Oh, three is not many.

In my DLNA time (which goes way back) I've tried quite a few.

For you, it is the default DLNA server on my good old Synology NAS and the Logitech Media Server (or more precise, the DLNA part of it. And on my Mac Mini another version of same LMS.

All three are running for years now - and they are recognized and can be used from any other DLNA renderer/player app, I've tested in my setup including the Beomusic/X app.

Guess I'll have to dig out my old Win-laptop - there is a Minim server installed there, if I remember correctly - and probably the built-in Win7.

Never had any problem accessing the servers on the different BM5's, I've setup from my 8Player, PlugPlayer and other apps either.

The Glider app is somewhat out of order!

But if it works for someone else, it must work for me too - just how?

P.S. I am using the iOS app!



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glider replied on Mon, Jul 10 2017 7:05 PM


I'm the author of the Glider app, and am sorry to hear that some of you are having trouble getting your library to sync. Please contact me at and we'll be sure to get it fixed.

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elephant replied on Tue, Jul 11 2017 12:34 AM


I'm the author of the Glider app, and am sorry to hear that some of you are having trouble getting your library to sync. Please contact me at and we'll be sure to get it fixed.

Founder of Glider Audio

Thanks for joining the Forum

I was encouraged by your act to get you App

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glider replied on Tue, Jul 11 2017 12:43 AM

Thank you elephant.

The next version of the app will include a few fixes specific to B&O products, so you might not have the best experience at the moment. If that's the case, don't hesitate to email me and we can make sure the app is working for your setup.

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elephant replied on Tue, Jul 11 2017 1:02 AM

Thank you elephant.

The next version of the app will include a few fixes specific to B&O products, so you might not have the best experience at the moment. If that's the case, don't hesitate to email me and we can make sure the app is working for your setup.

Founder of Glider Audio

Testing in progress Smile no problems in the first few minutes Big Smile

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steve1977 replied on Tue, Jul 11 2017 1:10 AM

Joe (developer of Glider) has been of amazing help and things are working now.

The app (in beta) now even includes native support for B&O devices that support DLNA (Beosound 1&2, M5, A6&9, etc.). So, we can start playing to these devices gapless via DLNA. Big advantage compared to chromecast and airplay.

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elephant replied on Tue, Jul 11 2017 1:21 AM
Encountered my 1st issue: trying to ChromeCast to the BeoLab 20s crashed the App.

Going via the Essence works fine.

And as previously posted the AppleTV also works.

My DLNA server is now syncing Wink

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glider replied on Tue, Jul 11 2017 2:08 AM

It happens to the best of us :)

If you continue to have trouble, we can follow up via email and get things sorted out.

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A warm welcome to Joe//Glider.

I am sure, that you will get many costumers for your app amongst the Beoworlders...

....if this will work properly (including gapless play).

In the next days I will send you a mail with some details about my setup/my servers on the network (they are mentioned in my former post, though).

When can we expect an iPad version - by the way?


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glider replied on Tue, Jul 11 2017 9:04 PM

Thank you Millemissen!

It's great to be here, and I look forward to working with you to resolve the problems you're experiencing.

Glider attempts to build a single, unified database of all the music it can find across multiple sources. This is pushing the limits of the old UPnP specification which was never meant for this type of metadata sync operation. As you can see, there's still some work to do in making sure we can support everyone's media server of choice, but I'm confident we can get there with a little help.

The B&O devices I've seen do advertise that they can support gapless playback over UPnP, but unfortunately I don't own any so I can't say for sure.

The iPad version has been in the works for a while now, and should be released within the next month or so.

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glider replied on Tue, Jul 11 2017 9:09 PM

I should also mention that the current App Store version of the app fails to discover the B&O UPnP output, so you won't be able to test the gapless functionality at the moment. If anyone is interested in testing this before the next release, just send me an email and we'll get you setup.

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jans replied on Wed, Jul 12 2017 6:55 AM
Hi Glider

The app only discovered my Sonos but doesn't find the Twonky DLNA on my iMac.

Any suggestions?
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glider replied on Wed, Jul 12 2017 12:37 PM

Hi jans,

Thanks for giving the app a try. I've tested with this exact combination many times, so I'm sure we can get it sorted out.

Would you mind emailing me at to follow up?

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glider replied on Wed, Jul 26 2017 1:46 AM

If anyone is interested, the latest version should now include support for all B&O DLNA devices.

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Finally had Glider finding one of my DLNA servers on my network, the MinimServer, which was running on an old Windows7 laptop.

However, this is not normally on and supposed to be used 24/7 - was just for testing.

The result: when I try to open Glider (newest version) it flashes shortly (you just get a glimse of the content of the files on the server) and closes down. That's it!

Means, I can't even use Glider anymore....unless I delete the app and start over again.

Not very convenient :-(

Note: my Beomusic app sees every DLNA server on the network!


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glider replied on Wed, Jul 26 2017 12:11 PM

Oh No! That certainly isn't very convenient :)

If you're still interested, I'm confident we can get this working with all of your media servers. Just send me an email and we can get it fixed.

Founder of Glider Audio

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