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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Best B&O finds advice

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usafmsc Posted: Mon, Sep 3 2012 7:13 PM

Here's a newbee question...what were your best B&O finds and where?  I've just discovered B&O products and I'd like to focus on building a music system...thank you in advance for any guidance.  I'm in San Antonio by the way...  V/R  emc

Søren Mexico
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Mexico City
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One of my best finds, and also one of my first, was a BM 901 for USD 20.00 on Ebay, but you will have to be careful, most vintage B&O items will carry the highly infectious BeoVirus.

Most of my items I have bought on US ebay, some I bought from other members, so surfing the auction sites and keep reading and searching the forum, is where to start, a long Beoworld membership gives you the best possibilities to get know how and to learn about B&O, staying active on the forum will bring good friends, help and advice.

My best items ever is until now are these ones, a very generous member gave them to me for free, he also wouldn't let me pay for shipping, thats Beoworld.

Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.

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Rich replied on Mon, Sep 3 2012 10:23 PM


Here's a newbee question...what were your best B&O finds and where?  I've just discovered B&O products and I'd like to focus on building a music system...thank you in advance for any guidance.  I'm in San Antonio by the way...  V/R  emc

I have three great pieces from another member, four pieces locally from Craigslist, a lot of US Ebay (more than ten pieces for sure), and one piece purchased new in about 1990.  

One of my all time great finds was on Craigslist.  I bought a fully functional Beomaster 1900 from the original owner for $50.  He threw in a pair of Beovox CX50s that had foam rot.  Took just an evening and $25 to bring those back to good as new.

Two years ago I used to bid on Ebay for just about every Beomaster 2400 that came up advertised as "untested."  Never bid more that $25, and eventually I got one that was cosmetically perfect that didn't work, and a second that looked awful but was fully functional.  I combined the two and couldn't be happier with the result.

You'll see a lot of B&O on US Ebay advertised as "untested" because "I don't have the special cords."  Bollocks probably, but you may get lucky and find a bargain that's fully functional that others won't risk bidding on.

Good luck with your search.  Any system you have in mind?

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