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BeoMusic app is merging with Bang & Olufsen app

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Fl_ip replied on Wed, Jun 21 2017 9:36 PM




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johnbrks replied on Thu, Jun 22 2017 8:53 AM

A public beta is an ok thing to do, but not to force as a release. Anyway version 1.0 implies not beta. 

There are many issues with the new app. Why do deezer playlists appear when I am not logged into deezer?  

Why, when I turn off the appearance of playlists can I. Of see playlists from my DLNA server?

when I find a playlist on my DLNA server and tap a song, that song is added to the play queue. The playlist I chose does not play. Just the queue. 

i suppose the idea is nice, but this needs a lot more work. 

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johnbrks replied on Thu, Jun 22 2017 8:53 AM

A public beta is an ok thing to do, but not to force as a release. Anyway version 1.0 implies not beta. 

There are many issues with the new app. Why do deezer playlists appear when I am not logged into deezer?  

Why, when I turn off the appearance of playlists can I. Of see playlists from my DLNA server?

when I find a playlist on my DLNA server and tap a song, that song is added to the play queue. The playlist I chose does not play. Just the queue. 

i suppose the idea is nice, but this needs a lot more work. 

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johnbrks replied on Thu, Jun 22 2017 8:54 AM

Thanks. I'll try this. It is an odd behavior. 

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Timmersch replied on Thu, Jun 22 2017 2:45 PM



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Timmersch replied on Thu, Jun 22 2017 2:45 PM


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Timmersch replied on Thu, Jun 22 2017 2:45 PM

I've been trying to test the new Bang & Olufsen app with my Technics ST-G30 Music Server.

Yet I cannot get him to show up in the DLNA section, my QNAP Twonky Media server shows up without a problem.

Anybody any experience with this ?


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elephant replied on Sun, Jun 25 2017 1:33 AM

The beta for NL/ML is imminent. Please write me directly if you want to be added to the beta program. I expect the first beta to be ready end of this week or start of next week.

Thomas, Bang & Olufsen


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Mark-N replied on Sun, Jun 25 2017 2:35 AM

Yet I cannot get him to show up in the DLNA section, my QNAP Twonky Media server shows up without a problem.

I think I have the latest version (Version but I do not have a DLNA section.  I have a Twonky media server but I don't see it anywhere.  Is this hidden somewhere?



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elephant replied on Sun, Jun 25 2017 2:52 AM

I think I have the latest version (Version but I do not have a DLNA section. I have a Twonky media server but I don't see it anywhere. Is this hidden somewhere?

From memory for an Essence it is under its configuration as DLNA just like Spotify and TuneIn

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steve1977 replied on Sun, Jun 25 2017 6:07 AM

Any thoughts on below from someone using the beta app with ML/NL support. Thanks!

The ML/NL converter will be out in beta soon. Please let me know if you want to join the beta/testflight to try it out

thanks, i can wait a bit more. very curious though whether it will allow me to play from dlna directly to the converter? this would be a major breakthrough compared to the beomusic app.

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elephant replied on Sun, Jun 25 2017 8:27 AM

I think I have the latest version (Version but I do not have a DLNA section. I have a Twonky media server but I don't see it anywhere. Is this hidden somewhere?

Mark, here is correct sequence - sorry about misleading post about the Essence (I was typing whilst out and about so the memory was hazy; so hazy it took some to work out the real sequence)

1. On main screen top left press hamburger menu icon

2. Select settings

3. Select Music

4. Select DLNA

5. Press plus sign top right

Hopefully the software will find your server (check same network) and when you return to the main menu and scroll to the bottom you'll see the server and you'll be able to dive right into the content categories.

BeoNut since '75

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elephant replied on Sun, Jun 25 2017 8:53 AM

Any thoughts on below from someone using the beta app with ML/NL support. Thanks!



The ML/NL converter will be out in beta soon. Please let me know if you want to join the beta/testflight to try it out

thanks, i can wait a bit more. very curious though whether it will allow me to play from dlna directly to the converter? this would be a major breakthrough compared to the beomusic app.

Steve - I had a go. I could not get it to work. That could be my lack of comprehension/ skills.

I tried activating the NL/ML via the app without a source. No luck.

So activate the ML side using DVD or RADIO or N.MUSIC or N.RADIO however no matter what was playing I got a message saying I could not add a DLNA track (I tried 3 variants) without an error message (see below).

Even STOPing the source and trying to add did not work.

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Stan replied on Sun, Jun 25 2017 8:05 PM

The "Spotify dropping support for the BS5" thread got me thinking... Since the new app requires a login, does this imply that it will not work if, heaven forbid, Bang & Olufsen goes away?

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beojeff replied on Sun, Jun 25 2017 8:31 PM


The "Spotify dropping support for the BS5" thread got me thinking... Since the new app requires a login, does this imply that it will not work if, heaven forbid, Bang & Olufsen goes away?

That's a very good point! I hadn't thought of that.

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beojeff replied on Mon, Jun 26 2017 12:56 AM

Mr. Anderson:

My comment to you is not going to be a kind one. I'm not going to be encouraging with the "keep up the good work" praises. This is one of reality. The software department of B&O is what is failing it right now. In so many ways. Unfortunately, the new products are extremely dependent on the software development. My recent experience of a BeoPlay M5 turning on at 3:30 a.m. at FULL VOLUME is completely unacceptable. This was unacceptable to me and to my neighbors and could have called the police to my home.

Yes, we know you're working hard for improvements. That does not excuse the fact that B&O's products have become increasingly unreliable. We should not be your beta testers. The ultimate reality is that if you don't get things straightened out, your CEO and board of directors will bring in a new software team that will.

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Sal replied on Mon, Jun 26 2017 3:26 AM


Mr. Anderson:

My comment to you is not going to be a kind one. I'm not going to be encouraging with the "keep up the good work" praises. This is one of reality. The software department of B&O is what is failing it right now. In so many ways. Unfortunately, the new products are extremely dependent on the software development. My recent experience of a BeoPlay M5 turning on at 3:30 a.m. at FULL VOLUME is completely unacceptable. This was unacceptable to me and to my neighbors and could have called the police to my home.

Yes, we know you're working hard for improvements. That does not excuse the fact that B&O's products have become increasingly unreliable. We should not be your beta testers. The ultimate reality is that if you don't get things straightened out, your CEO and board of directors will bring in a new software team that will.

Jeff makes good points. It's simple: Re-Release the BeoMusic App for the time being, to coexist along side the X App. BeoMusic, as far as I'm aware didn't have these issues. It would at least give users a choice.

B&O is already a "fringe" / avante-garde  brand for many reasons, adding more [valid] ammunition to cast it further onto the edges doesn't help. Excellence in experience is everything.

I admire that the team is trying to make the X App more than BeoMusic was, and there is great progress being made, but one poor experience, which not only affects the user, but could potentially affect those around the user is not what a premium brand like B&O should tolerate.

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Weebyx replied on Mon, Jun 26 2017 6:35 AM


Mr. Anderson:

My comment to you is not going to be a kind one. I'm not going to be encouraging with the "keep up the good work" praises. This is one of reality. The software department of B&O is what is failing it right now. In so many ways. Unfortunately, the new products are extremely dependent on the software development. My recent experience of a BeoPlay M5 turning on at 3:30 a.m. at FULL VOLUME is completely unacceptable. This was unacceptable to me and to my neighbors and could have called the police to my home.

Yes, we know you're working hard for improvements. That does not excuse the fact that B&O's products have become increasingly unreliable. We should not be your beta testers. The ultimate reality is that if you don't get things straightened out, your CEO and board of directors will bring in a new software team that will.

I agree, but are you sure the X App is responsible for this ? As far as I know, the BeoPlay team and the team responsible for X App are not the same ? Correct me if I'm wrong, same as the Moment team again, is a completely different team, which is also maybe what makes all this so difficult to get alle pieces of the puzzle to work together as one unit.


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Tassos replied on Mon, Jun 26 2017 6:57 AM

About the NL/ML converter:

I have added an NL/ML to a T1611 in order to add the Phono, A.Tape, CD, and Radio to my list of available sources. With the Beomusic app I was able to pick any of the sources available on the network. With the X app it is not possible. I have no idea if there is a plan to add them later but I will still be using the beomusic app.


Other than that I have spent little time with the application but so far it seems that it works ok. I will have some quality time with it this afternoon and I will be back.

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Hi all,

When testing the NL/ML converter please write to me directly with feedback or use the in app feedback option. I would rather not troubleshoot in here. 

@beojeff: I'm sorry for the experience you have had with you M5. No we are not working on the product software only on the app. It sounds to me like you have a faulty product. Please reach out to me directly and I try to get your issue resolved


Thomas, Bang & Olufsen

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beojeff replied on Wed, Jun 28 2017 12:24 AM


Hi all,

When testing the NL/ML converter please write to me directly with feedback or use the in app feedback option. I would rather not troubleshoot in here. 

@beojeff: I'm sorry for the experience you have had with you M5. No we are not working on the product software only on the app. It sounds to me like you have a faulty product. Please reach out to me directly and I try to get your issue resolved


Thomas, Bang & Olufsen

Thank you for taking initiative and being concerned. Please forgive me if my post was overly harsh. It was a difficult weekend for some of us BeoWorlders with the loss of the Spotify interface on the BeoSound 5. Monday morning, as I feared, I received an email from the board of my homeowners association complaining about loud music between 3:00 and 3:30 a.m. Saturday morning -- when my BeoPlay M5 suddenly turned itself on at full volume playing rap. This is a great cause of stress. I can't imaging how bad it would be being out of town when this would happen and being unable to shut off my B&O devices. This has only happened to me once. However, it has happened to several other BeoWorlders on various NL devices. You might want to take a look at this recent thread: Essence mk2 gone mad

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Weebyx replied on Wed, Jun 28 2017 6:22 AM



Hi all,

When testing the NL/ML converter please write to me directly with feedback or use the in app feedback option. I would rather not troubleshoot in here. 

@beojeff: I'm sorry for the experience you have had with you M5. No we are not working on the product software only on the app. It sounds to me like you have a faulty product. Please reach out to me directly and I try to get your issue resolved


Thomas, Bang & Olufsen

Thank you for taking initiative and being concerned. Please forgive me if my post was overly harsh. It was a difficult weekend for some of us BeoWorlders with the loss of the Spotify interface on the BeoSound 5. Monday morning, as I feared, I received an email from the board of my homeowners association complaining about loud music between 3:00 and 3:30 a.m. Saturday morning -- when my BeoPlay M5 suddenly turned itself on at full volume playing rap. This is a great cause of stress. I can't imaging how bad it would be being out of town when this would happen and being unable to shut off my B&O devices. This has only happened to me once. However, it has happened to several other BeoWorlders on various NL devices. You might want to take a look at this recent thread: Essence mk2 gone mad

Are your M5 set to Automatic SW update ? I have just posted a thread about this in the "Essense" thread you are referring to.


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Hi Mr. Andersen,


I was just wondering when I installed BS Moment and A6, both are on the same network. I tried to do the multiroom where Moment is the master and join the A6 but apparently it didn't work. Even I use the Beomusic,which currently is not available anymore in the Appstore, still I doesn't work. But when I tried to play some music in A6 then try to join the Moment using beomusic, then it works. Its very strange because it should be working vice versa. I find it hard to navigate the new X app. I hope you could give me solutions to resolve this issue.

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mbolo01 replied on Wed, Jun 28 2017 9:46 AM

I tried to do the multiroom where Moment is the master and join the A6 but apparently it didn't work


It works fine for me, when the A6 is playing I can use the Link menu on the Moment JukeBox and join the A6 (same with X App or former BeoMusic app) and if the Moment is playing, tapping on the A6 middle touch point, it joins the Moment.

Can you screenshot your A6 and Moment multiroom settings?

BS Moment, BS Core, BG 4002, BC 4500, BS1, BL18, BL19, BL8000 + RCV1, A6, M5, M3, A1, P6 (tks Botty), H5, TR1

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Carolpa replied on Wed, Jun 28 2017 2:13 PM

Hi Mr. Andersen, I was just wondering when I installed BS Moment and A6, both are on the same network. I tried to do the multiroom where Moment is the master and join the A6 but apparently it didn't work. Even I use the Beomusic,which currently is not available anymore in the Appstore, still I doesn't work. But when I tried to play some music in A6 then try to join the Moment using beomusic, then it works. Its very strange because it should be working vice versa. I find it hard to navigate the new X app. I hope you could give me solutions to resolve this issue.

In the Setup of the A6, goto

Settings / Beolink / Join Setup - is the A6 set to join the multi room experience?


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Hiort replied on Wed, Jun 28 2017 4:10 PM

It works fine for me, when the A6 is playing I can use the Link menu on the Moment JukeBox and join the A6 (same with X App or former BeoMusic app) and if the Moment is playing, tapping on the A6 middle touch point, it joins the Moment.

Can you screenshot your A6 and Moment multiroom settings?

BS Moment, BL 18, BL 19, A6, M5, A1, H5

Works for me also in same setup.





Livingroom: BL3, BL11, BV11-46 Kitchen: Beosound 1 GVA, Beocom 2 Bathroom: M3 Homeoffice: M3, Beocom 2  Library: Beosound Emerge, Beocom 6000 Bedroom: M5, Essence remote  Travel: Beoplay E8 2.0, Beoplay EQ, Beoplay Earset

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mjmedlo replied on Wed, Jun 28 2017 4:40 PM
No problem for me with A6
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In the Setup of the A6, goto

Settings / Beolink / Join Setup - is the A6 set to join the multi room experience?

Yes I have done that in the A6 Settings. That's why it is very strange experience to encounter that kind of issue.

Aussie Michael
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I find the new app hard to change speakers

If I'm playing on one speaker and I click another speaker it doesn't want to swap

It wants to play something independent
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Hiort replied on Thu, Jun 29 2017 1:19 PM
Aussie Michael:

I find the new app hard to change speakers

If I'm playing on one speaker and I click another speaker it doesn't want to swap

It wants to play something independent

Not sure what you mean here.

Can you elaborate the use case?





Livingroom: BL3, BL11, BV11-46 Kitchen: Beosound 1 GVA, Beocom 2 Bathroom: M3 Homeoffice: M3, Beocom 2  Library: Beosound Emerge, Beocom 6000 Bedroom: M5, Essence remote  Travel: Beoplay E8 2.0, Beoplay EQ, Beoplay Earset

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Hiort replied on Thu, Jun 29 2017 1:21 PM

Yes I have done that in the A6 Settings. That's why it is very strange experience to encounter that kind of issue.

If you are on wifi, try resetting your router.





Livingroom: BL3, BL11, BV11-46 Kitchen: Beosound 1 GVA, Beocom 2 Bathroom: M3 Homeoffice: M3, Beocom 2  Library: Beosound Emerge, Beocom 6000 Bedroom: M5, Essence remote  Travel: Beoplay E8 2.0, Beoplay EQ, Beoplay Earset

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Chuffed !

I down loaded the latest beta ... and managed to remotely activate the Essence in another part of the house (not a real biggie) and THEN connected via the BLC NL/ML to the Essence's group to get ❤️ music.

Not sure if it is the new Beta or just me finally working out the right sequence (except I think the source panel is new)

BeoNut since '75

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The X app got updated yesterday.

Streaming to devices on the converter should now be supported.

Anyone tried?


And the Essence 1. Generation can be used with Deezer and TuneIn now from the app.

Anyone tried that?

Does it require an update of the device? Probably, yes!



There is a tv - and there is a BV

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steve1977 replied on Fri, Jul 7 2017 12:18 AM

The X app got updated yesterday.

Streaming to devices on the converter should now be supported.

Anyone tried?

Yes, tried. Succeeded to add the ML/NL to the list of devices.

However, it does not work to play via DLNA yet. When I select a song, my BV5 (which is connected to the ML/N) turns on. However, there is no music playing and the app shows "could not insert into playqueue".

So, two bugs: no audio and TV turns on (while only audio should play).

Hope this can be fixed with the next release.

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beojeff replied on Fri, Jul 7 2017 2:46 AM

I tried the NL/ML Converter on the new update and was horribly disappointed. Nothing seems to be supported. I guess one can only "join" to the converter. No "borrowed" sources seem to work.

I truly don't see why software updates can't be made to provide Deezer and TuneIn sources as being available directly on the Converter and the BeoSound 5 to make them true NL devices.

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fully agree. plus dlna support.

it used to work with the beomusic app with a work-around. so, it's technically possible. with the X app, this no longer appears possible at all - not even with the work-around. and it's even worse as the new GUI implies it should be working as i can select dlna to play to the ml/nl (see error message above).

to be fair - when i activated the ml/nl in the X app, there was a pop-up that this is beta. so, hope to see this fixed soon.
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Carolpa replied on Fri, Jul 7 2017 4:32 AM
No "borrowed" sources seem to work
Did you add the NL/ML converters?

I have three NL/ML converters. One with my BS900, one with a Beosystem 7000 (and the Encore on Line In) and one with a BS3000. All sources work

Note: if a BV is in deep standby the start of the converter doesn't always start the BV. I would say this is not a X-app issue.

Still f.e. the BS9000 starts and can joined on the A6
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i think beojeff refers to "borrowed sources" from his NL devices. i.e., not being able to play deezer directly to the ml/nl. does this work for you?
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Carolpa replied on Fri, Jul 7 2017 4:49 AM
i think beojeff refers to "borrowed sources" from his NL devices. i.e., not being able to play deezer directly to the ml/nl. does this work for you?
okay that's different.

I only use the converters to integrate ML sources in a NL environment.

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i think beojeff refers to "borrowed sources" from his NL devices. i.e., not being able to play deezer directly to the ml/nl. does this work for you?

I believe (using the beta)got my Essence to play Deezer to the BV8 via the NL/ML

See my post

Chuffed !

I down loaded the latest beta ... and managed to remotely activate the Essence in another part of the house (not a real biggie) and THEN connected via the BLC NL/ML to the Essence's group to get ❤️ music.

Not sure if it is the new Beta or just me finally working out the right sequence (except I think the source panel is new)

BeoNut since '75

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