ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
anyone help me
my Beo Center 7000 all starts up then if I play the radio tape or record it works for around 5-10secs the the WAIT ! Light comes on and the selected playing stops. This is a link to it
Hi. Check your speaker connections and cable. I think there may be a connection shorting out somewhere, either on the BC itself or the back of the speakers.
I had this once previously where the speaker wire was touching both terminals.
Thank you I will try and also in speaker port 2
Sadly no luck they only thing I've noticed is that the radio tuner sticks about half way so it won't tune middle right. Speakers work fine on my other B n O :0/
It just looks as though the Beocenter is shutting down before any damage is done. In my case it was speaker cable shorting out across a speaker terminal. Did you try your speakers with the same cable or different on another B&O system?
Another thought, do you have the remote? Could the stand by signal be transmitted from it continually due to a sticking button?
Still think there is a wire short somewhere, because I've seen a system do exactly the same a long while ago due to the issue with cable I previously described. This made the centre close down within seconds.
Good luck, I hope you find the fault soon.
Thanks Graeme I've tried the same speaker on a different BO I have and they work so it could well be just a loose wire but I'm no expert so I will try and find some one to have a look at it
i don't have the remote sadly
Do you know if there's any cheap options for the stylus as I'm down to just one
thanks for your help
Try disconnecting both speakers completely and then turn the unit on. Obviously you won't hear anything but see if it still cuts out. If it does then you can definately rule out speaker overload/shorting out and it must be something internal.
Regarding stylus, any in the MMC20 range will fit. Very limited choice now, either 2nd hand on eBay or new from Soundsmith in America. Genuine B&O examples on eBay will be at least 30 years old and you should consider them in need of repair even if advertised as OK. Both options will be expensive. As you already have 1 I would hang on to it and get it repaired as and when required. Search for Axel Shultz on this site, he used to retip B&O stylus, He has since retired but his website links to his replacement who offers the same service, but I can't remember his name. I believe there are also a few other sites offering repairs, again searching this site for recommendations is a good start.Realistically, there is no 'cheap' option for stylus replacement.
Disconnect speaker cables to rule out shorted cables/speakers.Check for DC on the outputs. Anything above 5-10mV usually points to a problem in the differential amplifier.Check the.idle currents. If higher than stated in the servicemanual replace the trimmers and realign them.Check for ripple on the voltage supply to the processor. If too high replace the filter capacitor(s).
All very basic.Diagnose and repair.