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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beogram 4500 tone arm service

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Simon Lawrence
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Bronze Member

Just been passed a  beogram 4500 with a dropped tone arm.  Delighted to finally own a beogram myself (bought my son a 1000 for his birthday)

There is no cartridge, but it powers up perfectly and tracks across when the start button is used internals are very clean and all seems in order.

I have downloaded the manual and been through it but it is not obviously an adjustment issue, but it will not sit level with the second arm.

There is no vertical activation in the tonearm, which i assume either comes through the white platic rail underneath or the side arm. 

Would be hugely gratefull for advice on this and source of cartridge.

Photo attached 

Many thanks




Saint Beogrowler
Top 150 Contributor
Saint Paul
Posts 780
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Probably the horizontal white plastic bar that holds the tonearm up or down has slide out of position with the wire running perpendicular that's controls it.

Slide your tone arm to the right, the wire coming from the center of the table going up should make contact with the white bar as seen in the photo

If my explanation is confusing, post a picture from above looking down and I can draw on it.

Top 25 Contributor
Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK
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The actuation lever is the wrong side of the white plastic bar.

It needs to be to the rear of the bar not in front of it.

Unclip the rear mounting rod (chrome plated bar) from the right mounting, lift the carriage so the lift actuator is clear of the white bar, pull the white bar forward and replace the chrome shaft in it's mounting with the actuator behind the white shaft.

Your problem should be solved!

Regards Graham

Simon Lawrence
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Posts 2
Bronze Member

Peter and Grahame

Thank you both, I now understand how it works work and the spring to retain the white arm had come undone, simple fix.

Now to get a cartridge.

Thank you so much for showing the way


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