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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beosound *** looking for ***

rated by 0 users
This post has 6 Replies | 0 Followers

Top 200 Contributor
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Silou Posted: Thu, Jun 1 2017 3:54 PM


unfortunately my dealer said this part in no more available. 

Somebody would still have this part ?





EDIT by Dillen.
We kindly ask members to upgrade to at least silver membership level to place sales/wanted ads.
Your support will be appreciated. 

Top 200 Contributor
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Silou replied on Thu, Jun 1 2017 9:24 PM

A little bit ridiculous reaction for  a 20$ ***

There is well other message which would deserve moderation!

But I understand it's a big job and not easy to be moderator ! 

Top 50 Contributor
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beojeff replied on Fri, Jun 2 2017 12:33 AM


A little bit ridiculous reaction for  a 20$  ***

There is well other message which would deserve moderation!

But I understand it's a big job and not easy to be moderator ! 

I agree. Moderators need to moderate in moderation.

Top 10 Contributor
Copenhagen / Denmark
Posts 13,191
Dillen replied on Fri, Jun 2 2017 6:32 AM


A little bit ridiculous reaction for  a 20$ ***

There is well other message which would deserve moderation!

But I understand it's a big job and not easy to be moderator ! 


It's not that difficult to moderate. It's just a matter of seeing that posting regulations are not breached.

Putting a value limit to what you should be allowed to ask for in a wanted ad would be ridiculous.
But thanks for the comment.

It costs money to run a site like Beoworld.
We have very few ways of earning that money and I believe we are offering a quite good service for what we ask,
but if you can buy the thing you need for 20$, why don't you just do that?

And if you'd tell me which other message would deserve moderation, I will look into it right away.


Top 50 Contributor
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Duels replied on Fri, Jun 2 2017 8:30 AM

It costs money to run a site like Beoworld. We have very few ways of earning that money and I believe we are offering a quite good service for what we ask,

Well said.
Top 500 Contributor
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pf85 replied on Fri, Jun 2 2017 8:38 AM


A little bit ridiculous reaction for  a 20$ ***

There is well other message which would deserve moderation!

But I understand it's a big job and not easy to be moderator ! 

I agree with Dillen. Freeriding has limits. 


Top 25 Contributor
South West, UK
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moxxey replied on Fri, Jun 2 2017 10:14 AM


It costs money to run a site like Beoworld.

We run a lot of websites and our monthly server bill is astronomical. Sometimes we can barely afford to pay it. It's always touch and go (think high four-figures).

We pay commercial developers to keep the sites maintained.

We pay commercial graphic artists to produce design elements across the sites.

People increasingly demand and use ad-blockers to avoid seeing "annoying" adverts (which are one of the few ways to make money from a website).

....but people think that paying a broadband fee to their supplier somehow offers them 'free' access to the internet, which is graciously provided by all these companies, BeoWorld inclusive, as part of their broadband fee!

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