ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I just bought a Beogram 4500 and found out that the DIN socket connections was cut off. Can anyone tell me which color connects to which pin? Can´t find it anywhere on the web. The colours are: blue, white, black, yellow, white (again), red and ground
Also, I suspect that my turntable doesn´t have the built in RIAA that I thought every 4500 had. Could it be like that, and if so can you add it so it will work with my Beomaster 4500?
All Beogram 4500's had the RIAA pre amp fitted. Are you sure that it is not a Beogram 9500 as that looks identical but does not have the pre amp.
You can check that the RIAA is present by opening the deck up (2 screws under the right hand edge, remove the platter first!). The RIAA board is on the right hand side of the chassis.
Personally, I would send it back whence it came from and demand a refund!
Regards Graham
So they were in fact sold without RIAA as an option you mean?
No, someone may have removed or disabled it. I have made that mistake myself. The 4500 I bought had the RIAA disabled by cutting the legs of a couple of caps on the board.
Fortunately, I was able to reconnect the legs and made it work.
This is what it looks like (flipped 90 degrees)
The pre amp is missing! There are a number of scenarios that could explain the situation. I recommend that you send it back and get a refund.
McGruse: This is what it looks like (flipped 90 degrees)
It looks like the RIAA is missing and someone have modified the BG4500 to use an external RIAA amplifier. It should be located to the right below the tonearm, just where there are 2 mounting brackets for the PCB.
As I suspected then. Do you have a pic of how it should look? I guess it´s supposed to be attached to the two screwholes on the chassis on the right?
McGruse: As I suspected then. Do you have a pic of how it should look? I guess it´s supposed to be attached to the two screwholes on the chassis on the right?
Correct. Sorry, I no longer have any pictures since I stopped selling.
Thanks for the quick help guys. Hopefully anyone here has a spare RIAA. I see that the green and white power supply cable is also removed from its socket.
joeyboygolf: The pre amp is missing! There are a number of scenarios that could explain the situation. I recommend that you send it back and get a refund.
I didn´t pay that much and the person I bought it from didn´t have a clue what she sold. She had it together with a Beocenter that looked like a 9500. That could somehow explain it maybe.
McGruse: joeyboygolf: The pre amp is missing! There are a number of scenarios that could explain the situation. I recommend that you send it back and get a refund. I didn´t pay that much and the person I bought it from didn´t have a clue what she sold. She had it together with a Beocenter that looked like a 9500. That could somehow explain it maybe.
That explains it, BC85/9500 has built in RIAA...
Your Beogram looks to be in good condition,so if you didn't pay much for it,it might be best to hang on to it.
Odd though,if it was used with a Beocentre 9500(integral RIAA pre-amp),I wonder why the plug was removed?
I doubt you will find a Beogram 4500 preamp except via scrap unit nowaday's but never say never.
I do have a picture of one in situe,but can't work out how to load it this site.I'll e.mail it to you.
The Din plug connections by the way are:
Red-Pin 5-rh channel
White-Pin3-lh channel
Screen around the red/white cables goes to pin 2
Yellow pin 6-datalink
Blue-pin 7-not used
Black-goes to the metal case of the connector
n.b the black wire is important,if it's not connected,you will experience a nasty buzzing noise from the case of the Beogram not being grounded
Thanks Nick.
The player is in fact in excellent condition and it still has the MMC2 fitted on it even though I don´t know the status of it yet.
The plug wasn´t removed, just soldered badly I guess. What about the shield around red and white cables? What pin should they connect to?
I´ve asked the previuos owner to look for the PCB, so I´m crossing my fingers.
The shields get twisted together and soldered to pin2.
It is important to get a good connection of the black wire to the shell of the plug. You will find that the heat from your iron dissipates quickly due to the mass of metal and it will be more difficult than normal to tin/solder the connection.
I must have suffered a "senior moment",and forgot the signal ground connection,doh.I've edited the post for future ref.
You don't seem to have an e.mail address registered here?I can send you a picture of the pcb as fitted if you need it?
I do have my E-mail public here in my profile, although I just purchased the RIAA-board for the BM4500 on E-bay so I´ll take it that way instead.
When I was putting everything back for some reason the subplatter didn´t spin freely. It seems that it has come too low and partially touches the plastic gear for the tangential arm, and it even feels like the spindle itself has a lot of friction the last 2-3 mm i lower the platter. Can it be the nylon bushing? It doesn´t seem to be changeable?
Has the plastic cog still got a C clip holding it in place?
Got my hands on the RIAA card for the BM4500 on Ebay. I almost thought that card only existed in the BM manual.. =)
Now it plays great, even though I think my MMC2 might soon give up. I have to give it a little push to fall down to the correct playing position. Otherwise it has terrible distortion. I guess it is the suspension that is getting old.
Does anyone now for how long this can play this way before the suspension breaks completely?