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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beogram 4500 sound in between tracks

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AndyD Posted: Mon, Aug 21 2017 2:55 PM

Hi chaps, I've recently joined Beoworld & having read through some of the posts it looks like this group will be an excellent source of advice.  I have 2 questions:

1.I have a lovely 4500 which sounds great when the tracks are playing, but there's a metallic 'scraping' / rumble sound in between tracks - it's particularly noticeable when the volume's louder.  Whilst I'm not familiar with the internal workings of B&O turntables, to me it sounds as though it's related to the rotation of the platter.  I also have a 3300 & whilst I hear some crackle in between tracks from my old vinyl, it's nothing like the sound on the 4500.  I did read another post with reference to some scraping on a different model & wondered if it might be the same on my 4500.  Also, whether it can be resolved with an adjustment.

2. Bit of a 'numpty' question but the 4500 has a European 2 pin plug & I'd like to replace it with a UK 3 pin plug.  The flex will have 2 wires (live & neutral) but before I cut off the plug, what colours will be in the flex?  Will they be brown & blue as with UK?

Thanks & I look forward to having some replies.

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Copenhagen / Denmark
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Dillen replied on Mon, Aug 21 2017 3:26 PM

Using anything but the correct (triangular) belt for the servo motor will allow the motors vibrations to
transfer to the platter, record, pickup etc.
It can be VERY audible and it's particularly annoying between tracks where the servo motor is most active and there's no music to cover it.

If this is what you experience and if it could be described as metallic sounding, I don't know, but it's my best guess since you state, that
the noise can be regulated using the volume control (in other words, coming from the speakers rather than the physical Beogram).

The colors in the mains flex will be either brown/blue or black/blue.


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AndyD replied on Wed, Oct 11 2017 8:23 PM

Hi Martin


Apologies for my tardiness in replying.

Thanks for your comments



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