ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hello All,
I unearthed this, which I picked up years ago, and was wondering what it's from/for?
I know it's a tonearm, I'm not sure if it's bakelite or plastic - and that's it!
Close up... Not sure what it says. Is it 'Safin' or 'Safir' ?
I guess it's Safir. Danish for Sapphire.
Regards Graham
Safir being 'sapphire' in Danish (as just edited above!)
Does anyone know what it's from, or how old it is? It smells old.. real old... a bit like me.
Looks liike a tonearm from the old radiograms (30s/40s). Keep looking, you might find that in the back of the garage as well!
It's very similar to the tonearm used in the G44 and G44A record changer decks, but this one was probably sold as a component for use withyour homemade record player or for replacing the tonearm in your Philips or whatever non-B&O deck you happened to accidentally own.You could buy B&O tonearms as separate components since the early 1930s and into the 1960s.Yours is mid-late 1940s, I'd say. Interesting piece indeed.
Nice find!
Isn't is fantastic to have Martin's knowledge and expertise on this forum. As someone who is most interested in vintage B&O his contributions have been invaluable.
Agree - Martin is complete star! Not wishing to embarrass him of course!
Not at all. Just 40+ years of collecting units and info.