ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Last week the technician were at our home.
Now the volume works as it shall. a.opt is not controlled with the remote as on the old machines, it is only selected in the settings on the machine. Now I can start the system by turning the wheel and selecting go.
Now we have some more questions..
Album art - since we used itunes on a mac. We used it to ripp all the music, selecting artwork and send the music over to the BS5. Alot of album art disappeared - since B&O and apple have different file structures. BUT not always as it seems.. Aprox 350 albums are missing artwork. And on some the first song has artwork but not the other songs.
- Anyone know what is the easiest way of getting the albumart in the BS5? Since the machine is made for showing the album art it looks foolish with the grey B&O logos.. According to the tech. there is a program that u can use, but U need to look at every album and send the artwork manually into the right album in the machine - time killer - time we dont have..
Also some music that had artist, album songs and art in my computer became "unknown artist" unknown album with the right songs in the BS5.. These albums I will have to ripp again and send to the BS5 again to see if it will work out.
We have used a laptop to rip all our music then sent it to the BS5 and erased it on the laptop - since I dont have the space on my laptop to save all the music..
The technician looked at this and said - strange..