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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Help!,No sound from my RX2 (5831)

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Afterburner Posted: Fri, Sep 22 2017 7:40 PM

As a newbie I need some help, 

Picked up an RX2 last week, in good working order. I got to test it and listen to it as it was connected to a Cambridge Riaa preamp and a Cambridge amplifier at the sellers house. The seller disconected it, and tightend the transportation bolts, I put it in my car and drove home. At home I unscrew the transportation bolts, conected it to a brand new Nad PP2e Riaa preamp and the Line IN on my reciever and the ground cable.

No sound att all! Tried switching from MM to MC but still no sound, when the volume where maxed out you coluld hear a scratching noise in the speakers. Today i returned the Nad Preamp and bought a brand new Denon 520AE amplifier instead, because it has a Phono IN. Still no sound, exactely as before, tried different pickups Mmc 4 and Mmc 5 still no sound.

Anyone with ideas???


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Minnesota, USA
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Beitie replied on Fri, Sep 22 2017 10:16 PM

The RX2 uses a MM type coil, so you should stick with that setting on your pre amp. However, it sounds to me like you are listening to the wrong input on your receiver. Tell us more about your current system. Also these B&O turntables have what's called a mute relay. It comes in handy in my opinion because it mutes the output of the stylus when in standby mode so you can clean it between record flips without hearing that horrible scratching sound through your system. It is possible that the relay got stuck. It's also possible you have bad carts. I've also seen some of the RCA plugs having bad connections, sometimes a wiggle fixes it.

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Thanks a lot!

After spending lots of time in hifi shops, googling, trying different cables/connections, buying a brand new amplifier I by chans read in the mmc 4 stylus folder...

"The MMC has permanent stylus guard. Before playing a record, flip the guard up until it clicks..."

Problem solved!! 😂😂😂😂😂



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