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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Considering purchase of a Beosound 9000 mk III

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David Posted: Tue, Sep 26 2017 9:13 PM

hi Folks , I presently have a 5500 system and would like to know , if I purchased a 9000 MKIII would I be able to keep my Beogram 5500 and link it into the 9000 system, and has  anyone any tips to pass-on before buying.

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Jeff replied on Tue, Sep 26 2017 11:54 PM

Easy to do, the BS9000 has an audio tape/aux in port. Only thing is you will need a phono preamp, you'll run the Beogram into the phono preamp and the phono preamp into the aux in on the BS9000.

I did that for years, only change is now the phono preamp is run into the aux in on a Playmaker so I can use the phono or stream audio to the Playmaker and into the BS9000.

I use this preamp:

Several good things about this unit, it sounds great, it has a DIN plug input for B&O tables, and it has a variable gain and more gain available than most phono preamps, so you can adjust the level of the phono to match the CD player/radio. MMC series cartridges are lower output than most "normal" cartridges so the extra gain helps.

Good luck with it.


I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus. Sad

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beojeff replied on Wed, Sep 27 2017 12:09 AM

Note that you will lose datalink control of your beogram with the BeoSound 9000. One option to consider is to add a BeoLink NL/ML converter to the BeoMaster 5500. You could then map the BeoGram to the PHONO (N.Radio) command and keep full remote control of your beogram through your ML system. Add a $600 BeoPlay M5 and you also integrate Deezer and TuneIn into your system..

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beojeff replied on Wed, Sep 27 2017 12:16 AM

Correction to my previous post. You might actually need 2 BeoLink Converters to merge the two ML systems together. It can definitely be done, though. I currently have 4 ML systems merged together via the converters.

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David replied on Wed, Sep 27 2017 9:40 AM

Hi Jeff, you've lost me, why do I need a PRE-AMP and this datalink , what is that all about, do I have to change my speakers also?

Keith Saunders
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Hampshire, United Kingdom
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you've lost me, why do I need a PRE-AMP and this datalink

You don't actually need either.

You can take the headphone output from your BeoSystem 5500 and feed it into the Audio Tape/Aux input socket on teh Beosound 9000.

Regards Keith....

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beojeff replied on Wed, Sep 27 2017 1:19 PM


Hi Jeff, you've lost me, why do I need a PRE-AMP and this datalink , what is that all about, do I have to change my speakers also?

You can get the sound from your turntable. However, without datalink, you can no longer control the beogram with your remote control. You can control the volume of your BeoSound, but not play/stop, forward/back control of the turntable without datalink.

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