ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Just bought a Beosound 9000 MK1. It looks good, radio & aux works fine and cd changer as well.
However, when I play CD´s there occasionally comes a short skipping sound, like it now and then skips half a second in the song. The fault comes on all different cd´s I play and no matter what cd slot they are placed in. I've tried dusting off the laser with a dry q-tip with no result.
Have anyone experienced this before? ...and if so, any easy fix that can be done?
I had something similar before it completely stopped being able to read the CD's (it would go into pause). You probably need to change the laser mechanism. The laser on my MK2 lasted only 4-5 years before it had to be changed. Others here may know whether the B&O still provides the service, and whether the MK1 mechanism can be replaced.
BV11-55, BS9000, BL1, BL19, Transmitter 1, Beo4, Beocom 6000, BeoTalk1 200, Sennheiser HD600, McIntosh MHA100
Thank you very much for your answer. B&O repair shop have told me that parts for the MK1 & 2 are discontinued so the only option would be to get another MK1 and use that for spares.
Most common culprit is that the laser pickup has to be replaced.
But there are other culprits which can cause this behaviour. The mechanism itself can be faulty due to hardened grease on some parts.
You can't just buy another mk1, as there are used different mechanisms. Some can be replaced by the same laser, and one mechanism (CDM12-6) will be difficult to be replaced by a silent version, as most replacements lasers are not new and are rather noisy most of the time.
Thanks for valuable input.
i aggree with Beobuddy
some of rthe MK1 use laser VAM 12.6 and some of them VAM 12.4.
first version MK1 of BS9000 have VAM12.6..and it's hard to find working one online from china :( and you have to adjust it.
No need to buy seckond BS9000.
but that is just my experiance...
superbernt: Hello. Just bought a Beosound 9000 MK1. It looks good, radio & aux works fine and cd changer as well.
At this moment the amount of fixed BS9000's I had and fixed over the past years, exceeds the 100+.
But I would advise not to buy a mk1 as I can foresee that within next years a lot of units that will fail.
Problems on the powersupply and ML-board (which affects the soundquality dramatically) will be more regular.
My BS9000 Mk.1 has sometimes the same failure - on some positions only - but (on my BS9000) you hear a sound of the CD as there's anything that makes the motor working harder then the CD starts to skip - sometimes it will go away if you Change to another postion and go back. Other CDs are only working on pos 3 and so on - it's strange! Maybe depending on the temperature of the BS?
Beobuddy ...can you send me your mail address please.
I have one question regarding ML board.
Thanks :)
Beobuddy - I have a BS9000 MK2. When it was fixed by BO, I was told it was replaced with a MK3 mechanism (this was during the last year of the BS9000 run). Could this be true? Are MK2 and MK3 BS9000s built better or have you seen the same failure rates as with the MK1s
The mechanisms from the mk2 were indeed replaced by a newer version, which was also used in the mk3. The mechanisms were the VAM1250 types. The most silent version but for now it seems more sensitive for faillure.
For that they changed at the mk2 the laserdrive and the decoderprint. Both located in the sledge. This was only possible as the ML modules were (almost) the same in the mk2 and mk3. These ML modules differ from the mk1 version.
For the mk1 there was also a modification where the laser was replaced by a mk3 version. I've had several for repair here. They are rare.
You could try cleaning the glass door underside, the two clear plastic sensors and the aluminium plate between the sensors.
This is not an absolute cure like a new laser - because it may not be the cause of the problem - but I have known dust between the sensors cause skipping and read errors.
The sensor beam can 'see' the glass and aluminium surfaces, therefore dust can trigger the sensore as if there is a finger there.
Always worth a try, and far cheaper than the alternatives.