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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BV 11-46 second life vs Horizon 48" new???

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Top 100 Contributor
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hotknife Posted: Sat, Nov 4 2017 7:17 PM

Hi buddies,

after 5 years with my BV10-46 I`d like to replace my "toy" for some new staff - connected equipment BL9 front, BL8002 rear, BS4 via masterlink.

So I´m asking myself to buy an early 2015 mark4 BV11-46 second life or the new BV Horizon 48" new. Price should be roughly be in the same area.

BS4 would be conneceted via ML converter or I could use a special AUX cable.

90% of the time we are watching TV/movies (Apple TV). I´d like to keep the new setup for at least 4-5 years again.

A second live Avant 55" is no option because of the limited space.

Any suggestions?


Thank you guys.

LOEWE bild 5.55 OLED + AppleTV; BS4; BL9; BL8000 MKII all black

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Flensborg, Denmark
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Personally I am not an ‘Android guy’ - so to avoid the Androidtv-based engine, I’d prefer the 11-46.

Besides you must choose between two different design languages - the Horizon looks different than your old BV10, the 11 doesn’t.

It seems that the Horizon nowadays is running pretty well, so that should not be a reason not to choose it.

As for audio quality (especially with your speaker setup) there should not be much difference, since the same audioengine is used in both tv’s.

As for connecting your ‘old’ audio system, do consider the Converter - that cable solution is imo just an interim/budget solution, if you cannot afford ‘the real thing’.


There is a tv - and there is a BV

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TWG replied on Sun, Nov 5 2017 11:14 AM

I agree with Millemissen: Go for the 11-46 and avoid the Android TVs from B&O (Horizon and BV 14).

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BartS replied on Sun, Nov 5 2017 5:18 PM


It seems that the Horizon nowadays is running pretty well, so that should not be a reason not to choose it.


I would not be that positive. True, the B&O Android TV's have improved. However, currently the system is in my opinion still at a level that is close to acceptable. Not more than that. If you just want to watch TV an can accept some issues and occasional misbehaviour of your TV it is OK. If you expect the perfect stable center for your A/V experience than there are still some issues to be solved. We keep waiting for an update to take the TV to this level. But B&O stops with the Android-platform and I wonder if the Horizon and BV14 (will ever) get the attention that they still need. With this in mind (and my experience with the Horizon), the 11-46 or the first pre-Android Avant 55 would be my choice.

Top 10 Contributor
Flensborg, Denmark
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Hi BartS

we don’t disagree - however, there are people who like their Horizon/BV14.

Personally I would never buy an Android based tv.


There is a tv - and there is a BV

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