ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Thanks to RaMaBo, mainly, I got the sound from the radio and tape recorder, briefly, in from my Pentas, but when I used my Beo4 to switch to the BV 7, so as to test the integrity of the setup, I could not get a sound out of the speakers.
Listening through the headphones, everything works fine; the system responds as it used to, so could there be something wrong with the masterlink? It worked once, after all. This was after I had restarted the system according to instructions from RaMaBo: uunplugged everything; plugged in the BV 7, waited a minute; plugged in the rest of the system, except for the masterlink; waited 30 sec, and plugged in the masterlink.
There is one glitch still; the Beogram 7000 does not seem to respond to the remote, which it did before, but has to be started manually. When the pickup touches the record, the Beogcord 6500 shuts up, just like it should, so that is OK.
Any ideas are welcome.
did you change the A.OPT and V.OPT settings when connecting the pentas to the BM7000?
To verify select a radio station, ie station '1'. Now press '2' on the remote it should switch to the radio station stored in location '2'. If it tries to select '22' both masters (audio _and_ video) receive the IR command and the BM7000 tries to select the stored station on '22'. It receives the '2' with it's own IR receiver _and _ gets the same number from the videomaster via masterlink!
Your settings should be A.OPT=2 and V.OPT=0. Both have to be programmed all components are in standby!
Hello again!
Well, I changed the options to A2 and V0 with the system in standby and the cables connected to the BM7000, but then the television did not react at all to my promptings. What I did not do was disconnect from the mains after that, and then reconnect. Tomorrow I will try again.
The system without speakers connected must be in option 0 - the other in option 2.
First connect the A and V systems to power and then the converter.
There is a tv - and there is a BV
Yes, but the only thiing that happened when I did this in reverse, is that the BV7 no longer responds. At all! The TV on the Beo4, which worked before, now elicits no response whatsoever from the BV7, nor does the VMEM, the DVD, or the LIST-button DVD2, which I assigned to the VX7000. This is so INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING! Is there any way I can check whether the settings are actually VOPT0 and AOPT2, respectively? The BV7, anyway, is OPT0.
Hmm mysterious things happen
First select an audio source, i guess you can use every source smooth (and hear it through the pentas).
Now select a video source (TV, SAT/DTV, VTAPE/V.MEM, DVD). Does the _display_ of the BM switch from your last selected Audio Source to 'AUX' (or TV) ??
If the display changes it should be in A.OPT2, if not it's still in A.OPT1.
The BV accepted the V.OPT0 command and waits for commands from the masterlink connection which it should get from the masterlink converter which gets it via the AUX-Link connection.
Is your AUX-Link cable a seven pin one or just a 5 pin???
This may be a red herring, but in addition to the audio-aux link connection, does the OP also need a power link connection between the BM7000 and the 1611 converter? I've got my BV7-32 connected to my BM7000 in the same way, although my option settings are different as the BV and BM are in different rooms with their own speaker systems attached.
Luke Spadavecchia : This may be a red herring, but in addition to the audio-aux link connection, does the OP also need a power link connection between the BM7000 and the 1611 converter?
This may be a red herring, but in addition to the audio-aux link connection, does the OP also need a power link connection between the BM7000 and the 1611 converter?
PL connection to 1611/14 is only needed in the situation with A.Opt 0 and VOpt 2 - with speakers connected to the TV only. (This would enable (for example) manual (front panel) volume control of the BM to be reflected in the output from the TV's speakers.)
Yes, I get the radio and the BC6500 and the Beogram 7000 with my Beolink 1000, as always. I am not sure what you mean by "smooth", but never mind; the Beo4 display switches to TV and dvd and dvd2 (the VX7000, under a list command) and VMEM, but nothing happens on the screen of the BV7. The sources through the BM7000 shut down, though (the pickup lifts, etc).
The AUX-link cable has seven pins.
Well, I have the speakers connected to the BM7000, and a seven pin cable. I have tried both ways, and the speakers only respond to the source that they are directly connected to, If I make the VOPT 0, it just means that the BV doesn't respond. When I make the VOPT 2, it just means that I can turn on the BM7000 (the displys on the front of that and on the Beocord 6500 react, but the Pentas stay red and quiet, like wallflowers.
So, can I ask you: have you got VOPT 0 and AOPT 2, then?
Lennart Hildeman: Yes, I get the radio and the BC6500 and the Beogram 7000 with my Beolink 1000, as always. I am not sure what you mean by "smooth", but never mind; the Beo4 display switches to TV and dvd and dvd2 (the VX7000, under a list command) and VMEM, but nothing happens on the screen of the BV7. The sources through the BM7000 shut down, though (the pickup lifts, etc). The AUX-link cable has seven pins.
Refering to this answer:
You can use the Beolink1000 _or_ the Beo4 for this test: It just makes things easier. Use it for audio _and_ Video to make testing easier and transparent.
Pentas to the BM7000. Set your system to A.OPT2 and V.OPT0, everything disconnected from the mains, now BM to the mains, the TV to the mains. Wait a minute and then the beolink converter 1614 to the mains. again wait a minute.
1: when you listen to the radio, the Pentas show 'RADIO xx'. correct?
2: when you listen to the radio, the BM7000 lights 'RADIO'. correct?
3: when you press TV, the BM7000 lights what?
4: when you press TV, the Pentas show what?
5:If the Pentas show TV, the BV7 stays off (only Standby light is lit) correct?
6:If the Pentas show TV, the BV7 Standby light change?
I suspect a defective masterlink cable or Beolink converter.
Lukes setting have to be A.OPT 2 and V.OPT2
1. The Pentas show nothing. Blank panels.
2. Yes
3. AUX
4. Nichts, nada, rien.
5. The Pentas show niente, nothing, blank. The BV7 stays in standby.
6. See above.
Would an eight pin cable make any difference in the PL?
What is the AUDI AUX Link on the Beolink converter for?
Maybe I should try Luke's settings?
Hi Lennart, I got a similar issue earlier when I had my pentad contacted to a beomaster that was connected to a beovision via ML. The Penta´s did not powered up and nothing displayed. The thing that caused this was the setting under the panel on the penta speaker itself, I needed to change the source on the switch there (Audio or Video) and then they started to work as normal. Give it a try to see if it could be same issue for you.
BS3 DVB-HD, BV7-40 MKIII, BC6-26, BC6-23, BV4-50/BS2, BS5, BS9000, BL3500, MLGW, BLGW, PlayMaker, - BS6500, BS4500, LX6000, VX7000, MX5500, VX5000 - Beo6, Beo5, BeoTimex2, Linctonic
Lennart Hildeman: 1. The Pentas show nothing. Blank panels. -> See Stefans answer 2. Yes -> ok 3. AUX -> ok 4. Nichts, nada, rien. -> See Stefans answer 5. The Pentas show niente, nothing, blank. The BV7 stays in standby. -> as i said before: i suspect the 1614 or the masterlink cable. 6. See above. -> as i said before: i suspect the 1614 or the masterlink cable. Would an eight pin cable make any difference in the PL?-> only if the PL cable you use now is the thin PL cable, which doen't transport the data for the diplay. What is the AUDI AUX Link on the Beolink converter for? -> It's for transfering the Audio signals in and out _and_ the data to / from the masterlink converter. absolutely necessary! Maybe I should try Luke's settings? -> these settings are only necessary if both parts of the whole system are in different rooms. Every device (BM _and_ BV) receives audio _and_ video commands which are transferred to the other system too.
1. The Pentas show nothing. Blank panels. -> See Stefans answer
2. Yes -> ok
3. AUX -> ok
4. Nichts, nada, rien. -> See Stefans answer
5. The Pentas show niente, nothing, blank. The BV7 stays in standby. -> as i said before: i suspect the 1614 or the masterlink cable.
6. See above. -> as i said before: i suspect the 1614 or the masterlink cable.
Would an eight pin cable make any difference in the PL?-> only if the PL cable you use now is the thin PL cable, which doen't transport the data for the diplay.
What is the AUDI AUX Link on the Beolink converter for? -> It's for transfering the Audio signals in and out _and_ the data to / from the masterlink converter. absolutely necessary!
Maybe I should try Luke's settings? -> these settings are only necessary if both parts of the whole system are in different rooms. Every device (BM _and_ BV) receives audio _and_ video commands which are transferred to the other system too.
Do you have another 1614 or 1611 Beolink Converter and / or masterlink cable? Try exchange them one after another, to see which component makes the problem.
Thanks for contributing. I switched from video to audio, without restarting the system, but the panels stay blank. Did you restart your system after you had changed the switches? I suppose I shall have to test the PL and ML on another system. I hope that Beoxperten in Malmö is open on Wednesday. Before then, I’ll take a look inside the ML.
Oh, do you mean the front panel that pops out when pressed, not the switch under the base?
Yes the front panel that pops out when it´s pressed....
Well, the switches are input level, three steps, and right, left, auto, and one more on the right side of the panel. I forget what the middle one is, but it didn’t look relevant. Will check when back home. Despairing... which swith?
I mailed the company that sold me the masterlink cable; he assured me that he had checked the cable personally, and suggested that the contacts in the BV were corroded. I still haven’t managed to visit my dealer in Malmö, and out here in the wilderness, there are no B&O facilities.
Hi ever looked in the user manual of the Pentas which is available for your silver status here on beoworld?
Try this Link and read everything.
I set the switches to Input level III, base extension III, and the third one to left and right, respectively. With the cables connected to the BV as OPT 2, the BM shows no sign of life. The person I bought the ML-cable from had me change the din cable back to AUX link from Power link, where I had connected it, in desperation. But putting it back in AUX made no difference.
Today I finally managed to check the masterlink, the cable, the din, and even, to be absolutely sure, the power lead on another setup. It worked perfectly, instantly, so nothing wrong there. So the fault is in the BV, or in the BM.
What's about the Beolink converter 1614 ??
It could be the problem too.
You can also try to use a 1611 which is normally not necessary in your setup.
Well, I had the Masterlink 1614 tested, with the cables, and it worked perfectly, so that is not the glitch. Then I got a tip from the guy who sold me the BV, that I should test the out signal from the AUX on the BM, using a tape recorder, not loudspeakers, so I carried down my Beocord 2400 and connected it, and now I have a new problem: getting to know the tape recorder.
Anyway, I haven't managed to get any signal from the dials on that, but this might be due to my rookie relation to it. (I used to have it connected to a pair of old Redlines, and that worked well. I just hope that I wont burn out the BM if the 2400 should connect to it the wrong way.)
I solved the original problem by setting both the BM and the BV to OPT2, and plugging a DIN cable into the left Penta and connecting it to the Powerlink 2 on the BM. Now it works, but I have to switch the BM off before I turn the BV on, or both sources will play through the Pentas.
I just started a new thread about the Tape 2 on the BM, which I do not know how to activate.
Have you had a look at the Product Configuration Guide - it will help set up most systems!
I found that, finally, and downloaded. Both exe-files appear to be the same, but I am not sure, since the install took mora than an hour, and now it turns out that it is not compatible with 64-bit computers. I will now search for a compatible version. This also got me going on opening the exe on my old apple computer, but that is a whole different story. Any ideas?
Let me review your checklist, which I applied to my new used BV7-40, inhoused Saturday:
1: when I listen to the radio, the Pentas show 'RADIO xx'.
2: when I listen to the radio, the BM7000 lights 'RADIO'.
3: when I press TV, the BM7000 lights AUX?
4: when I press TV, the Pentas show TV?
5:If the Pentas show TV, the BV7 stays off (only Standby light is lit) correct? Yes.
6:If the Pentas show TV, the BV7 Standby light change? Only when I change the volume.
My problem now is that I use the AppleTV, and get no sound from that. I changed the Options to 0 for the BV7-40, and 2 for the BM7000 before i connected them to the mains, but how can I know that the system actually accepted this programming? I mean: the system was turned off when I presses the buttons, and the Beo4 gives no feedback. I have figured out how to use the Beolink 7000 to control the menus on the BV7-40, to a certain extent, but this specific command cannot be given with the Beolink 7000.
Pardon my bumping this. I hope you can help.