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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beoplay A9 can‘t connect to google home, have to be repluged to reconnect

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ferratim Posted: Mon, Nov 13 2017 5:16 PM


I just bought a google home mini, and try connect it with my A9 to the same google home group.

Everytime the A9 sleeps for a while, it might lose the connection ability to google home (can‘t be found by google home app). The solution I found is to replug the A9 cable, and it can be found by google home again. I believe it’s not a proper way, so is there any setting I can set to prevent this situation, or it is a known bug ?


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kona replied on Wed, Dec 13 2017 9:06 PM

Hi, I have the exact same experience unfortunately and it's pretty frustrating. It seems like A9 is unstable when it comes to Chromecast. I also looking for a solution



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bab replied on Sat, Dec 23 2017 2:08 PM

I just got a Beoplay A6 with embedded chromecast, and seem to have the same problem. The chromecast client is not discoverable by my Google Home or any other Google cast enabled app (e.g., on my phone)

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kona replied on Sat, Dec 23 2017 3:57 PM

Hi, I got an answer from the support team that they have disabled the Chromecast functionality due to instability in the latest version. I asked beoplay support to downgrade my A9 where it's still working

I would suggest you to raise a ticket and complain so they fix it. 


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Flensborg, Denmark
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That is correct - I too hope, that this will be fixed soon

And, yes a ticket will help to get them prioritize that fix. 


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kona replied on Sun, Jan 7 2018 1:17 PM

Has anyone received any updates on this issue?

My A9 was updated to the latest SW version and Chromecast is still disabled 🤔

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Puncher replied on Sun, Jan 7 2018 5:53 PM

Buy a chromecast audio to plug into the A9 and send the bill to B&O!

Ban boring signatures!

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kona replied on Tue, Feb 6 2018 9:00 PM

Has anyone reactivated chromecast on the latest A9 SW version. If so, is it working stable?

Thanks //Anders

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Unfortunately, I fail to pair my A9mk2 with googe home. BS1 and M3 work smoothly.

Found this thread. Can anyone comment whether googlecast is supported by the A9 again by now?

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I recently move A9 MK2 and google home to a new place. Google home can connect and cast playing music on A9. Maybe changing a new WiFi environment helps.

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steve1977 replied on Sat, Jan 26 2019 10:33 AM

Unfortunately, A9 built-in chromecast remains very unstable for me. For some time now, it stopped completely to work (i.e., A9 chromecast cannot be identified by the Google Home App and also not by other apps that access it via chromecast). Unplugging it from power also does not help.

The integrated airplay and even spotify connect work. So, it is not a wifi issue. Just the chromecast built-in feature is unstable / no longer working at all.

Any more thoughts?

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Irvine replied on Sat, Oct 17 2020 10:48 PM

I had this very same thing happened to my A6. I started a thread on it. It turned out that, by buying a Chromecast audio dongle, it solved the problem. Bang and Olufsen  just wasn’t able to figure out the problem. I had to do the same thing by unplugging it and replug in and after a while that wouldn’t work either. I really do think it’s a software issue. But the dongle now works fine and I have circumvented the issue. Just unfortunate.

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Irvine replied on Sat, Oct 17 2020 10:48 PM

I had this very same thing happened to my A6. I started a thread on it. It turned out that, by buying a Chromecast audio dongle, it solved the problem. Bang and Olufsen  just wasn’t able to figure out the problem. I had to do the same thing by unplugging it and replug in and after a while that wouldn’t work either. I really do think it’s a software issue. But the dongle now works fine and I have circumvented the issue. Just unfortunate.

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