ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi all. I've just returned from holiday and my bv7-32 mk3 had been disconnected from the mains for two weeks. Upon returning and turning the set back on there is a red stripe/line about 1mm thick running from the top of the screen to the bottom of the screen about 3 inches in from the left.
It looks like a row of dead pixels and it's a red colour? Anybody have any ideas? I thought I have read something similar on here before but can't seem to find it?
Thanks in advance
It also does this when watching the DVD
Is it just a solid line that stays there, or does it flutter around when the images moves?
Hi lee it's a solid line that doesnt move. It's about a millimetre thick and about three inches in from the left and its from the top to the bottom. It's like a line of dead pixels.
The Mk3 panels are pretty reliable. I asked about the line fluttering in case it was the PIM (picture in motion) module playing up - but it seems not.
It seems to me like panel failure, as the chassis would throw up a more general fault than such a precise one.
Either way, I'd recommend an engineer to do a diagnostic check on it....
Sorry to hear of this problem. What a pain !!
Hi lee. This has only just had a new chassis, could it be anything to do with that?
It had a new chassis about three weeks ago and then its been off for two weeks as I've been away
Do you thnk it's the panel? Or something to do with the new chassis?
If i remember correctly, you must ALWAYS replace the EEPROM at the exact same time as the chassis. Was this done?
If not, the new EEPROM nukes the chassis, or the new chassis nukes the EEPROM - and you just end up with fault after fault after fault.
I'm stabbing in the dark a little here. I don't claim to be an engineer, but obviously I have a lot of experience in rectifying faults with B&O - always at my own expense, sadly..