ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I am looking for a new pair of headphone for work. I work is an open space office and will use the hedphones to shield myself from distraction and coworkers.
Since currently there are still refurbished H6 and H7 to be had, I am quite unsure which pair I should get.
H6 is really good price, with H7 I get the add on of wireless soud, but I am not sure if the sound quality in cabled mode is comparable to the H6.
Th H9i would be more than double the price of an refurbished pair of H7, so I would need a good argument for this.
What is your recommendation in this matter, are there differences in around for these models or should select based on features and use case?
Your opinion is highly appreciated.
I currently work in open office space, and I have been using H6 (1 and 2), H7, H9 and H9i here.
If I were to buy a pair for office use, I would chose H6. No need for wireless when sitting at a desk.
I use them with an amp, so if I play loud there is some leakage of sound.
H6 is the most comfortable of al the H`s.
And you basically get them thrown after you nowadays.
"You think we can slap some oak on this thing?"