ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hello :)
I have a Beocenter 5000 now with beowox speakers.
However I would like to change that into seperate turntable and amplifier.
I have looked at the Beogram 1500 and 1700. Mostly because of the design.
But what Beomaster do they work with, and work with my speakers aswell?
The Beomaster has to be as narrow as possible, because it has to fit in a cupboard, underneath the beogram.
Other suggetions are of course also welcome
Blaze: But what Beomaster do they work with, and work with my speakers aswell? The Beomaster has to be as narrow as possible, because it has to fit in a cupboard, underneath the beogram.
Welcome to Beoworld,
The turntables you mention will work with any Beomaster with an inbuilt RIAA pre-amplifier, which is virtually all of them up to the stacking systems and the later manifestations of the 2400 derivatives such as the BM4500.
Both the BG 1500 and the BG 1700 are very good (and cheap!) turntables, with the 1700 probably having the edge. With a good MMC 20 such as the EN or CL it performs really well and the sound is virtually indistinguishable from the BG400X series. I have used mine with a variety of Beomasters and Beocenters - from a Beomaster 4400, arguably the best sounding Beomaster, down to, of all things, a Beosytem 10! It is reliable, robust, simple and very elegant.
Assuming the Beovoxes you have are not massively large and requiring lots of power, I would suggest you look at the Beomaster 1500 from the late seventies - making it roughly contemporary with the BG1700. Its sound has much in common with the BM 4400, is relativley small both in width and depth and would match the BG 1700 visually. It is nominally 25 watts a channel but will drive virtually all the B&O passives without problems as long as the room isn't vast. It is also usually available at very reasonable prices.
Excellent suggestion - the BM1500 is a super small receiver with much the same circuit design as the BM2200 and 4400, widely regarded as amongst the best. You might however find them a little tricky to find - a compact alternative would be a Beomaster 5000 or 5500 and a Beogram 5000 which you could stack. These are widely available, cheap and will have remote control. You don't say which Beovox speakers you have but there are few that would not match the 5500.
Thank you both. I found someone who is selling the beomaster 1500, at a fair price, I´ll look into that and find a BG 1700's no rush :)