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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beo6 as UPNP/DLNA Controller...

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PhilLondon Posted: Sat, Oct 20 2012 6:54 PM

I was just wondering...

The DLNA defines the different elements as Server, Player, Renderer and Controller.

The controller can tell a player to play a given media from a given server.

Given the Beo6 has wifi, I was wondering if it is able to act as a DLNA Controller, for example tell a Server to play onto a given song on a PlayMaker, or V1 or BV11.


Beoworld app with direct photo upload and emoticons.

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Stockholm, Sweden
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I asked my dealer to forward this to B&O, and the answer was no...

I initially thought Beo6 was two-way via DLNA when they introduced 2-way support and since BM5/BS5 supports DLNA via Twonky.

Would have been great to use Beo6 as a DLNA controller.... and a smart way to interact with PlayMaker and all other DLNA products.

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