ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Just wanting to get some feedback on who's using one of the streaming music programs, the relative benefits of one over another and how you're getting the music to your speakers?
Interested in any thoughts and feedback.
Hi Beology,
Spotify certainly seems to be the one. Whilst I don't use it for myself (as I make my own playlist to suit my mood) in iTunes, I certainly have a lot of friends who do and share them on FaceBook. We tend to compile Spotify playlists for our radio presenters / DJs to share with their followers plus I tend to write them for our radio station websites as well as an Athlete that I represent & manage.
Certainly it's a nice way to share music.
Interesting also that 59% of all young people who listen to the radio do so on a radio app on their mobile!!!
Certainly, the more ways to find and enjoy music the better. It is sad that in the UK probably LESS THAN 1% of all of the great bands and new music out there actually gets played on mainstream radio!!!
I use Spotify all the time and I can't recommend it enough. At work it's piped straight into the speakers from the Mac (we have a collaborative playlist that we can all add to in the office) and at home I stream it through my V1 and BeoLabs via an Apple TV from my iPhone. I gave up downloading music about 3 years ago!
JK thats a really great idea at work!!!
V1, BeoLabs, Apple TV and an iPhone are matches made in Heaven!!!
Thanks Paul!
I use Spotify for "easylistening" and for re/discovering old/new music - using iPad-app/Playmaker attached to my old AudioMaster/A.MEM.
For "heavylistening" I listen to my FLAC-ripped CD's through Squeezebox/SqueezePad via line-in of the Playmaker (and CD's too).
Spotify claims to be 320' quality - but not always is!
When we in the future (maybe) we can have uncompressed streaming, I will stop buying CD's.
Grrr Millemissen
There is a tv - and there is a BV