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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


beolab 4000s or beosound 8 ?

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JONNIE Posted: Thu, Oct 25 2012 6:36 AM

Hi just wondering which is better for sound beolab 4000 or beosound 8 ?I was going to get beolab4000 and rig up to beo hifi,but I have recently got an ipad and was thinking as most of music collection on itunes may be better to get beosound 8, also at present I have my ipad connected via aux splitter on bc2300 and tv connected also and seem to be losing volume/quality when connected via my very cheap ipad dock via line out socket,I need to plug into ipad socket and lead coming out is not as nice as would like hidden,so beosound seems best idea? but would beolab 4000 be better for music quality ? Help please I am still quite new to b and o !!Incidently I have some active speakers (maplin £30) currently connected to hifi and the sound really isnt bad at all ?will I notice a difference with beolab 4000?the only b and o sound I have heard which was great was on a mx6000 tv and the sound was great!but as of yet havent ever heard any b and speakers really !

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Peter replied on Thu, Oct 25 2012 8:06 AM

Beolab 4000s will sound better but the 8 is very good for what it is and very convenient. I strongly suggest a trip to your local dealer and get him to demonstrate - he will be happy to do so without putting undue pressure on you - you should get a nice cup of coffee thrown in! Take your iPad with you and a CD or two if you want to listen to anything else. I would be tempted to take your Maplin speakers as well, as long as they don't embarrass you! Remember at the end of the day, it is the music you are listening to! Your ears adapt! Big Smile


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Puncher replied on Thu, Oct 25 2012 8:46 AM

There are two separate questions here - do BL4000's sound better than BS8 but also what will you use to convert your stored tracks to analogue?

Firstly I think the BL4000's are better than the BS8 both in audio quality but also the fact that they are separate and can achieve proper stereo separation.

Secondly, you can use the "headphone out" socket directly but this is,as you say, a bit of a faff. A dock connected directly to your BC2300 seems a much better idea (without splitting the signal). Most docks just pass through the analogue audio out from the iPad.

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Aussie Michael
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I have both and I prefer the bs8
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jkhamler replied on Thu, Oct 25 2012 11:10 AM

Especially considering there are deals to be had online - I've seen the BS8 new on eBay for £479 and on Groupon for £550.

Paul W
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Paul W replied on Thu, Oct 25 2012 1:57 PM

Hi Jonnie!

Certainly have a demonstration of both at your dealer. Take along your iPad as the Bl4000s will plug directly into your iPad. I'm sure within a few seconds you will know which ones are for you!!!

Once you get used to the convenience of the iPad, i'm sure that you will find that you use iTunes constantly as it does adapt to your life, travel, portability etc.

The BS8 or B&O A8 are VERY nice sound systems and certainly compliment the iPad very well. They are an incredibly young, funky design with bright colour options as apposed to the more conservative, traditional BL4000s which are arguably stuck in the 1990s in terms of design. But do try both and I hope that you fall in love with one of them :)

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JONNIE replied on Thu, Oct 25 2012 3:54 PM

Cheers guys I will venture to my local store later on,I think I am tempted by the beosound 8 I think in terms of been able to dock my ipad and also use remote or beo4 seems better and new and I have around £550 mark budget also !Just to put my mind at rest will beosound 8 sound as good as the sound from a mx6000 tv ? as the mx6000 was the best ever sound I have heard ?

Paul W
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Paul W replied on Thu, Oct 25 2012 5:50 PM

Hi Jonnie,

YES I am convinced that the BS8 will sound better than the MX tv.  Don't forget also that there is an app for 69p called EQ that becomes a graphic equaliser should you require further sound enhancements on top of the Apple settings along with the three extra settings that appear on the iPad from B&O once docked in the BS8!!! Very Very funky little combination the BS8 and iPad which will look amazing in any contemporary room!!!

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Dave replied on Tue, Oct 30 2012 7:38 AM

Beolab 4000's were my first speakers, and i LOVED them. Then when the BS8 came out i got one for the bedroom. I grew tired of its temporary design, so i sold it and bought another pair of BL4000's. They are worlds ahead of the BS8 sound and design wise! Try turning up a BS8 and its severe limitations become very apparent. Turn up a pair of 4000's and hold your nerve, because in a small to medium sized room you'll more than likely quit before they do.

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2012martin replied on Tue, Oct 30 2012 12:40 PM

Lab 4000s will give you more flexibility and will probably have a better resale value if you buy pre used. The beosound8 is currently available brand new on ebay for £480. So in a couple of years these will be probably be popping up for a couple of hundred quid max. They have now brought out the beoplay a8 which looks identical but features AirPlay. Which is around £950 brand new. You can see these online on the beoplay website or even on the apple store.

I would say go for a pair of beolabs attached to your bc2300. (You can get 6000s or 4000s in your budget) Then you could keep your tv connected to your bc2300 and simply plug a apple tv to your tv (£99). This would mean you could acces your iTunes onto your tv (your music, movies pictures etc) it would also give you the option to mirror everything thats on your I pad screen so it's on your tv. You will not need a dock then. Apple tv will also give you smart features on your tv like: Netflix, YouTube, I tunes.

I would certainly prefer to have my I pad on my knee or next to me rather than having it sat in a dock. Just my thought anyway

Good luck

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Peter replied on Tue, Oct 30 2012 1:32 PM


Cheers guys I will venture to my local store later on,I think I am tempted by the beosound 8 I think in terms of been able to dock my ipad and also use remote or beo4 seems better and new and I have around £550 mark budget also !Just to put my mind at rest will beosound 8 sound as good as the sound from a mx6000 tv ? as the mx6000 was the best ever sound I have heard ?


The MX6000 and LX6000 really do have excellent sound. Nice sized speaker enclosures and good quality drivers. Also decent amplification.  The Avant and BV3 are also excellent and all of these will put many so called Hi-Fi systems to shame. It is the aspect of B&O TVs that really makes them stand head and shoulders above other brands. Much more difficult with the new flat screens!


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Steffen replied on Tue, Oct 30 2012 9:29 PM



Cheers guys I will venture to my local store later on,I think I am tempted by the beosound 8 I think in terms of been able to dock my ipad and also use remote or beo4 seems better and new and I have around £550 mark budget also !Just to put my mind at rest will beosound 8 sound as good as the sound from a mx6000 tv ? as the mx6000 was the best ever sound I have heard ?



The MX6000 and LX6000 really do have excellent sound. Nice sized speaker enclosures and good quality drivers. Also decent amplification.  The Avant and BV3 are also excellent and all of these will put many so called Hi-Fi systems to shame. It is the aspect of B&O TVs that really makes them stand head and shoulders above other brands. Much more difficult with the new flat screens!

I will add, that the sound of the LX 6000 is much better than the MX 6000. And the Avant and BV 3 are even better than the LX.

If you have only heard the MX 6000, you can be sure that both the BS8 and the BL 4000 are much better.
But -as mentioned earlier - the BL 4000's are better than the BS8. Especially if you want to play loud.

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