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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beolink Wireless 1

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This post has 5 Replies | 3 Followers

Top 75 Contributor
Durban, South Africa
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BenSA Posted: Fri, Aug 17 2018 9:25 PM


I hope this isn't a really stupid question. I am trying to make use of a set of Beolink Wireless 1's. I want to connect 1 box to a Beosound 3000 via ML then the other box to a Beolab 3500 MK1 also via ML in another room. I know that the MK1 needs an IR for it to work with the Beolink Wireless 1 but I have been unable to find one where I live. Would it work if I connected the Beolab 3500 to a Beolink Converter 1611 via ML then connect the 1611 to the Beolink Wireless via a powerlink cable? Should I just give up entirely with the Beolink Wireless 1 system? 

Top 150 Contributor
Exeter, Devon, UK
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Stoobietoo replied on Sat, Aug 18 2018 10:53 AM

If you have the Mk1 BL3500 you will struggle with the Wireless 1s. The socket on there is a MCL socket not Powerlink . I think you can get the software on the BL3500 and Wireless 1s updated to allow it to work with ML but it won't work using Powerlink.  The MK 2 were Powerlink compatible. 

This link might help a bit. 

And this one explains what software version should work for the BL3500


Top 75 Contributor
Durban, South Africa
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BenSA replied on Sat, Aug 18 2018 1:10 PM

Thanks Stoobie for the answer. I am basically trying to find some use for the Wireless 1 using the extra B&O that I have. Clearly the 3500 isn't the right one to use. Thanks

Top 150 Contributor
Exeter, Devon, UK
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Stoobietoo replied on Sun, Aug 19 2018 10:21 AM

I have 4 Wireless 1's running. 

Look here for my first project with a Beolab 2000

I've got one connected to my Beosound 8. You can’t turn it on via the Beo4 but once you turn it on manually it is fully controlled. The other two are connected to Beolab 3's and Beolab 12's.

I have bought a second Beolab 2000 and going to move the Wireless 1from my Beosound 8. The Beolab 2000's make brilliant outdoor speakers as they can easily be carried out side. We are luck to have a power socket near where we sit out.

What B&O do you have?  it will help with suggestions! 


Top 150 Contributor
near Munich
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RaMaBo replied on Mon, Aug 20 2018 9:17 PM



the Beolink 3500 MK1  has a always a Masterlink connector, probably 'protected' by a plastic piece.

This can easily be pulled out and voilá the ML connector is visible.

Even most of the LCS9000 have the ML connector, except the very first ones.


The combination BL3500 and wireless Masterlink receiver can work without an additional infrared receiver! The wireless ML boxes need the latest software installed (sorry can only be done by a dealer).

The BL3500 can be setup to use the Masterlink connector instead of the MCL connector.

If i remember correctly even the old software 1.1 i had in my BL3500 worked with the wireless ML if setup to use Masterlink, but i updated it to the latest 3.34 because i wanted the 'modern' sources like A.Mem, N.Music, N.Radio in the display.


So it depends first on the software level of the wireless ML: => additional receiver or not (=pure ML connection)

And secondly on the software level of the BL3500 and the setup of the BL3500 to use the masterlink connection.



Top 75 Contributor
Durban, South Africa
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BenSA replied on Tue, Aug 21 2018 7:27 AM

Hi Ralph-Marcus


Thank you for the info, I will give that a try and see if it works. 



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