ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi all,
I need to audition some good quality closed back headphones that would wirelessly and simply connect to a BV7 and or a BS9000 somehow. Ideally to cover all bases they would also work wirelessly with an iPad and iMac. I'm not sure this is at all possible.
Any there any suggestions and if so how would they work?
Thanks, beoaus
We have sennheizer cordless headphones, works good, cordless is cordless.. Better quality in headphones with cable. For our use the function of no cabels came at first hand..
I often listen to music with headphones. If you want to enjoy quality, then you need a headphone with a cable. I use a Philips L1 (on the way) and a AKG K701 at home - The AKG is sounding fantastic. I use them in combination with a Cambridge Dac Magic Plus (DAC / Headphone Pre-Amp)
AKG and Beyerdynamic are generally preferred, I use a pair of Beyerdynamics to get a neutral view when mixing away from the studio.
Vinyl records, cassettes, open reel, valve amplifiers and film photography.
This seems to be an area that B & O is neglecting with just the Form 2 and A8 (the latter of which I find uncomfortable after a while). Form 2 are fine at home but not outside. If you travel a lot you see many people in the street and on transport now wearing over the ear headphones some of which are very pricey. This shows that there are sales to be had at the top end of the market where B & O belongs. Something of B & O quality and design would surely sell and introduce more people to the brand.
I recently bought my son a pair of Bose noise-cancelling headphones and tried them out on the plane. They were very good and I am tempted to get a pair for myself. I have been holding off for a long time now as I would have thought there were some coming from B & O in the pipeline. I would love a high quality well-designed pair of noise cancellers to take on trips. Surely a no-brainer to produce. I can't wait for ever but knowing my luck, the moment I get a Bose pair out will come the BeoPlay pair!! Cliff