ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hello friends --
I'm brand new to the world of Beogram -- just got myself a lovely 8002 on eBay, plus a newish MMC2 and preamp. Happy boy, except ...
I had to buy a new cable too, got THIS ONE. Plugged it in -- very loud hum. Obviously, it's grounded, shielded, etc. I've never dealt with a DIN cable before. I've noticed that without attaching the cable to anything else except straight into my amp via RCA [a mid-range Onkyo with no phono input], when I touch the second pin on the DIN cable, it causes the hum ...
Is this just a faulty cable? I've tried grounding it at different points to no avail.
Any advice will be hugely appreciated ... I've already been waiting FOREVER to start playing my vinyl ...
Cheers from Down Under ...
-- Dino
Is there a ground cable between the pre amp and the amp??
Regards Graham
I have a BG 2404 connected to my Onkyo, with phono input, without ground wire connected a lot of hum, with ground wire no hum, so connect the ground wire to the preamp and a ground wire from preamp to Amp, just like Graham suggest.
Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.
Hi guys --
Firstly, my apologies for taking days to thank you for your replies. I've been interstate and, for some reason, my iPad refused to let me post a reply.
But I'm back home now and I will try following your suggestion. My amp doesn't have a grounding screw, but I believe I should be able to use any screw on the back of my amp, right? Anyway, I'll have a play around and report back.
Again, many thanks for taking the time to reply.