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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beovision Eclipse - Software bug in latest update (2.3.xx) when swifting audio sources from Deezer to "music" DLNA

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Martin Posted: Thu, Nov 29 2018 3:42 PM

After yesterdays softwareupdate for my Beovision Eclipse soundcenter (software 2.3.xxxx) with Airplay 2, it has arrived a software bug which is very frustrating.

The software-bug appears as follows:

If you start the Eclipse soundcenter with Deezer (thru the B&O app) or Music (DLNA-content), the Bang&Olufsen APP loses the contact with the soundcenter when you switch to another music source. So if You start the TV with Deezer, everything works perfect. But when you switch to Music (DLNA content) the B&O-app loses the contact with soundcenter and there is no cover-art, no time-mark of the song playing and no possibililty to put the music to "pause". If You after this switch back to Deezer, everything works perfect.

If You start the soundcenter with Music-source (DLNA-content), everything works perfect. BUT if you switch to Deezer the same problem occurs as described before (no coverart, no time-mark, no possibility to pause the music).

If you make a "play-list" in the B&O-app and this playlilst has content from both Deezer and music (DLNA-content) the first source that is playing works perfect. When the TV switches to content from DLNA (Music) then the contact between the soundcenter and B&O-app will not work.

Please forward this complaint to your software-developer and make a fix as soon as possible. The last software 2.2.xxxxx before the Airplay2-software worked perfect.

Best Regards
Martin Ström

NEW! Beovision Eclipse 65 2nd generation (G1) with floorstand (from STB Brackets), Beolab 50 front, Beolab 3 rear, 2 x Beoplay A6 linkrooms, 2xBeoremote one BT, Beosound 9000 Mark III (sw 3.4), Beosound 5 (for DLNA only),  Philips Hue (all lights in the home), Oppo UDP-203, Apple TV 4K (2021 model). Beoremote HALO, 3xBeoplay Charging pad, Beoplay M5

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Stan replied on Thu, Nov 29 2018 5:31 PM

I had all kinds of strange issues yesterday after I upgraded.  After rebooting my Eclipse and my phone, they seem to have gone away.  I haven't played any DNLA sources yet.  I will try that later today.

It didn't help that I also upgraded my wifi equipment yesterday... 

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Stan replied on Thu, Nov 29 2018 5:34 PM

sorry, duplicate post

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Stan replied on Thu, Nov 29 2018 6:59 PM

I can play Deezer and DNLA, and switch back and forth just fine.  I'm using the sound center's DNLA, not the TVs.

How do you create your own playlist in the Beo app?

Speaking of the app, have you noticed the "remote control" capabilities?  Including the "touch pad" screen that lets you move the cursor around and select items (similar to LG's "magic remote").

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Hi Martin

That doesn't sound good. We will take a look at this ASAP and I'll keep you updated. 


Thomas; Bang & Olufsen

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Martin replied on Fri, Nov 30 2018 7:24 AM

Hi Tomas,

I also talked to my dealer in Goethenburg (Sweden) and he also experienced the same fault (softwarebug after latest softwareupdate on his Eclipse in the store.

I would really appreciate if You can make a fix as soon as possible. I use often both Deezer and my DLNA-server (Music-source on the Eclipse) and I change between these sources quite often when I play music with soundcenter.

Have a nice weekend Tomas!.

Best Regards
Martin Ström


NEW! Beovision Eclipse 65 2nd generation (G1) with floorstand (from STB Brackets), Beolab 50 front, Beolab 3 rear, 2 x Beoplay A6 linkrooms, 2xBeoremote one BT, Beosound 9000 Mark III (sw 3.4), Beosound 5 (for DLNA only),  Philips Hue (all lights in the home), Oppo UDP-203, Apple TV 4K (2021 model). Beoremote HALO, 3xBeoplay Charging pad, Beoplay M5

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Hi Martin

A small update. We have reproduced the error. Unfortunately this was not covered in our tests, it is now. We will look into a fix and keep you posted. 

A nice weekend to you too!


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Martin replied on Fri, Nov 30 2018 9:49 AM

Hi Tomas,

Great! Thanks!

Best Regards

NEW! Beovision Eclipse 65 2nd generation (G1) with floorstand (from STB Brackets), Beolab 50 front, Beolab 3 rear, 2 x Beoplay A6 linkrooms, 2xBeoremote one BT, Beosound 9000 Mark III (sw 3.4), Beosound 5 (for DLNA only),  Philips Hue (all lights in the home), Oppo UDP-203, Apple TV 4K (2021 model). Beoremote HALO, 3xBeoplay Charging pad, Beoplay M5

Aussie Michael
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We will look into a fix and keep you posted.

A nice weekend to you too!

Well done.
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elephant replied on Fri, Nov 30 2018 10:23 PM

If you make a "play-list" in the B&O-app and this playlilst has content from both Deezer and music (DLNA-content) the first source that is playing works perfect

Like Stan I would like to know now how one does this !

BeoNut since '75

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Martin replied on Sat, Dec 1 2018 7:21 AM


What I mean with playlist is Playqueue. You can put different tracks and albums in the playqueue both from Deezer and DLNA streaming.


NEW! Beovision Eclipse 65 2nd generation (G1) with floorstand (from STB Brackets), Beolab 50 front, Beolab 3 rear, 2 x Beoplay A6 linkrooms, 2xBeoremote one BT, Beosound 9000 Mark III (sw 3.4), Beosound 5 (for DLNA only),  Philips Hue (all lights in the home), Oppo UDP-203, Apple TV 4K (2021 model). Beoremote HALO, 3xBeoplay Charging pad, Beoplay M5

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Martin replied on Sat, Dec 1 2018 7:21 AM


What I mean with playlist is Playqueue. You can put different tracks and albums in the playqueue both from Deezer and DLNA streaming.


NEW! Beovision Eclipse 65 2nd generation (G1) with floorstand (from STB Brackets), Beolab 50 front, Beolab 3 rear, 2 x Beoplay A6 linkrooms, 2xBeoremote one BT, Beosound 9000 Mark III (sw 3.4), Beosound 5 (for DLNA only),  Philips Hue (all lights in the home), Oppo UDP-203, Apple TV 4K (2021 model). Beoremote HALO, 3xBeoplay Charging pad, Beoplay M5

Chris Townsend
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My Sky won’t select channels. I now type in a channel number and the screen just goes blue, I keep typing the number and eventually it works.

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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Chris Townsend:

My Sky won’t select channels. I now type in a channel number and the screen just goes blue, I keep typing the number and eventually it works. Beovision Eclipse, Beolit 15, Beoplay A2, H6/H2, Form 2, Beoplay A3, Beovision 5-42 connected to a DVD1

This sounds like a CEC issue. Switch of HDMI control in the sky box and on all HDMI inputs on the soundcenter even if they are not being used for anything else. As B&O use PUC control there is a conflict.


B&O Ealing
Chris Townsend
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Thanks, I’ve no idea how to do it but I’ll crack on. CheersYes - thumbs up

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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Martin replied on Mon, Dec 3 2018 9:48 AM

Hi Tomas,

When do You expect the software fix ready regarding the bug I mentioned above for the Eclipse?

Best Regards


NEW! Beovision Eclipse 65 2nd generation (G1) with floorstand (from STB Brackets), Beolab 50 front, Beolab 3 rear, 2 x Beoplay A6 linkrooms, 2xBeoremote one BT, Beosound 9000 Mark III (sw 3.4), Beosound 5 (for DLNA only),  Philips Hue (all lights in the home), Oppo UDP-203, Apple TV 4K (2021 model). Beoremote HALO, 3xBeoplay Charging pad, Beoplay M5

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Hi Martin

The bug is currently being investigated, but I have no ETA on a solution yet. 



Top 150 Contributor
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Chris Townsend:

Thanks, I’ve no idea how to do it but I’ll crack on. Cheers Beovision Eclipse, Beolit 15, Beoplay A2, H6/H2, Form 2, Beoplay A3, Beovision 5-42 connected to a DVD1

Go to each source input HDMI A-D and at the bottom of the menu you’ll see HDMI control. In your Sky Q box go to Audio Visual Settings and switch off HDMI control.

Chris Townsend
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Thank you very muchYes - thumbs up

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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The bug has been identified and we are working on solution. Test version is expected next week and I will keep you posted on when the fix is going to roll out.


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Martin replied on Thu, Dec 6 2018 2:25 PM

Hi Tomas,

Great. Looking forward to get the fix before christmasSmile

Best Regards

NEW! Beovision Eclipse 65 2nd generation (G1) with floorstand (from STB Brackets), Beolab 50 front, Beolab 3 rear, 2 x Beoplay A6 linkrooms, 2xBeoremote one BT, Beosound 9000 Mark III (sw 3.4), Beosound 5 (for DLNA only),  Philips Hue (all lights in the home), Oppo UDP-203, Apple TV 4K (2021 model). Beoremote HALO, 3xBeoplay Charging pad, Beoplay M5

Top 75 Contributor
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New software out tonight!

BeoVision Haermony 65"...BeoLab 28 Anthracite....BeoLab 17 as REAR....BV10-32....BC6-26....Beosound 9000....Beosound 1 New York edt....Beogram 4002....Beoplay Emerge....Beoplay M5....Beoplay M3....Beoremote Halo....BeoRemote One BT....Beo6....Beo4....Beo4 Cinema....BeoLink 7000....Serene....H95 Black LTD....H9i Rimowa....6 x H6....Form 1....U70...

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Martin replied on Wed, Dec 12 2018 4:56 AM

Hi Tomas,

Great work! I have already tried the new software and everything works perfect.

You made the fix very fast😊.

I wish you and the team at B&O a Merry Christmas

Thanks again that you responded so fast on the Eclipse software-bug.

Best Regards



NEW! Beovision Eclipse 65 2nd generation (G1) with floorstand (from STB Brackets), Beolab 50 front, Beolab 3 rear, 2 x Beoplay A6 linkrooms, 2xBeoremote one BT, Beosound 9000 Mark III (sw 3.4), Beosound 5 (for DLNA only),  Philips Hue (all lights in the home), Oppo UDP-203, Apple TV 4K (2021 model). Beoremote HALO, 3xBeoplay Charging pad, Beoplay M5

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tigerisak replied on Wed, Dec 12 2018 7:20 AM

No new SW update for me.

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Hi all

This is only out for beta users but will be rolled out to everyone once we have verified. Credit goes to the vision team for moving fast on this, I'm only the messenger :)

I hope we will have it out to everyone soon. 

Thank you for your patience


Aussie Michael
Top 25 Contributor
Melbourne, AU
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Hi all

This is only out for beta users but will be rolled out to everyone once we have verified. Credit goes to the vision team for moving fast on this, I'm only the messenger :)

I hope we will have it out to everyone soon.

Thank you for your patience


Well done vision team
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