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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Choosing my first Beogram and Speakers

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Top 500 Contributor
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CJM1 Posted: Wed, Dec 26 2018 8:31 PM

Hi everyone!

I have recently started getting back into vinyl. The sound it has produces has bitten me again and its just a totally different way of listening to music. Especially in this busy world of streaming.I have been searching about after having a couple hours read up about which one to get. And I have found a couple very nice 3300's for sale. Both with MMC4 cartridges


Which brings me to my first question. I believe one has a built in pre amp (RIAA PRE AMP)  and the other one doesn't. Or were the 3300 fitted with them as standard...?


If so, I take it a couple of Beovox speakers will simply plug into the back? Or will I need a sound stage or external amp for this deck to work?


Which brings me onto speakers. I have been having a search and came across loads of Beovox's for sale. Some from £40 to £200. The CX100 and CX50's pop up quite a lot. I take it these will work with a 3300? And if anyone knows of any other Beovox and give suggestions that would be much obliged!


Hope everyone had a good Christmas. 




M next curio 

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Brian replied on Thu, Dec 27 2018 5:01 AM

It really depends on what you're trying to achieve. From your post, it looks as if you just want to play records on a Beogram and listen to the music on some small speakers. As far as I know all the Beograms are just component record players, and you will need at least an amplifier to hear the music on speakers. The amplifier and speakers can be B&O or some combination of B&O and non- B&O.

RIAA: My layman explanation is records are not good at producing certain sound wavelengths. The sound cut onto a record is distorted, to take advantage of the wavelengths that a record can reproduce and eliminate the ones that it can't. The only purpose of the RIAA Pre-amp is to remove that distortion and bring the audio-signal back to the original range. It doesn't produce the power required to drive speakers.

Some amplifiers have a built-in RIAA pre-amp. If you get a Beogram without the pre-amp, just make sure your amplifier has one. If you already have an amplifier without an RIAA pre-amp, then you can either find a Beogram with the RIAA pre-amp built-in, or you can buy an external pre-amp that you install between the Boegram and the amplifier.

There's a million ways to mix and match components. It all just comes down to what you like best, as you're the one who's going to have to listen to it.

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Burgundy, France
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chartz replied on Thu, Dec 27 2018 8:26 AM

One of my favourites is the old Beocenter 3500, which in effect comprises a Beomaster 3000 and a Beogram 3000 in one package.

This makes beautiful sounds, especially if you add up a nice pair of Beovox S45-2 to the equation.

Oh, and that lid is just beautiful too!

I use an SP12 cartridge.


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