ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi everyone,I recently purchased a "Beocenter 2000" and have connected my iPad to it with a cable (5 Pin Din to 3.5 jack) onto the "Copy" input at the front of the unit.
My question is, should this sound be mono or stereo?
At the moment it is mono (only playing on the right speaker), and I know that both speakers work as when I play a record the sound comes out through both of them.
Is there anything that I am missing or doing wrong?
Hi and welcome to Beoworld!
Are you sure that the front input is not for a microphone, in which case it may well be mono?
Have you tried connecting to another input, perhaps marked TAPE and on the rear.
(I am guessing a little as I don't have a BC2000!)
Also have you checked the output balance of the iPad? It is under Settings, General, Accessibility for some reason. You can also set the iPad to be a mono output, to see if that makes any difference.
EDIT: It doesn't help much but I just found this on the old forum:
Hi Guy,
There are only two inputs on the front of the unit, one labelled "Mic" and one labelled "Copy".I have tried connecting to both of them, and "copy" is the only one that gives any sound.There are no inputs on the back of the unit.I have done what you advised and have checked that my iPad is configured for stereo output.I am thinking of buying a new cable in case I have a faulty cable (they'r only like £2 anyway)?
Thanks for you reply!
If you're buying cables for £2 that could be the problem!
I presume that you are selecting the TAPE option on the BC2000 panel, but have you also tried pressing the integrated tape deck's record button, as was suggested in that other thread?
Yes, I've tried those two options, still only mono sound.I was under the impression that cheap cables would obviously not give very good audio quality but would still provide stereo sound. Am I wrong?
Nunki:I was under the impression that cheap cables would obviously not give very good audio quality but would still provide stereo sound. Am I wrong?
Hi Nunki,
My point about cheap cables is that they are likely to be less durable, and hence develop a fault due to poor soldering or a limited number of cable stands (susceptible to breakage). This is especially the case if you are going to be moving the cable around, or unplugging frequently. I got rid of all my cheap cables (SCART, hdmi, phono, etc) several years ago and now only purchase decent stuff - this makes life much simpler! Steve at Sounds Heavenly (site sponsor at the foot of the page) can supply some good stuff! This one should work for you:
However, if you have already purchased another cheap cable then try this first - you would be unlucky if it had the same fault as the first from new!
If a replacement cable still produces mono sound, then I would suspect the BeoCenter - either it simply can't do what you want, or there is an internal fault.
EDIT: I meant to say that when you state 'mono' sound only, I assume from your earlier post that you mean only one channel is working, in this case the right speaker. Hence you could well be hearing just the right channel of stereo sound, as would be the case if just the left channel had a breakage within your 'cheap' connection lead.