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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Help needed: Getting from IR codes to a working XML?

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Rivenflush Posted: Sat, Nov 24 2012 7:54 PM

Good evening gentlemen,


ok, spent the last hours trying to create an xml file for my Cambridge Audio receiver in order to be able to steer this using my Beo5. The IR codes were available on the Cambridge site (link below) in NEC format, 

Azur 540R V3 IR Remote Control Codes

However, I am not able to get these into the 32-bit format one can see in other 3rd party XMLs:

<source_subItem stName="STANDBY" stCaption="STANDBY" stMenuCaption="STANDBY" stScreenType="0" stIR="NEC:GlobalManual=1#IRSEQUENCE=NEC#BITS=110111110010000011101111000100001#ALTBIT=#MARKFLANK=560#SPACEFLANK=560#SPACE2FLANK=1680#PRESIGNALHI=9000#PRESIGNALLO=4500#Pause1=40500#Pause2=40500#Carrier=38#REPEATSIGNAL=0#Comment=NEC 32bits" stLeave="Rel 1" stIRVideoOp1="1" stIRVideoOp2="1" stIRVideoOp4="1" stIRVideoOp5="1" stIRVideoOp6="1" stIRAudioOp1="1" stIRAudioOp2="1" stIRAudioOp4="1" stIRAudioOp5="1" stIRAudioOp6="1" stIRVideoOp2Av="1" stIRVideoOp4Av="1" stIRVideoOp6Av="1" nPage="1" nX="213" nY="70" nWidth="213" nHeight="25" nRowFinal="3" nColumnFinal="1" nHidden="1" />

I thought I had something going when I found "IR Code doctor" but the codes I geneerate there does not seem to match any other I see.

Would really appreciate some help!

My B&O products: Beosound 9000, Beosound 2300, Beosound Century, Beolab 8000, Beolab 6000, Beolab 4000 x2, Beolab 3500, Beolab 2000, Beolab 10, Beolink Active x2, Beotime, Beo5 x2, Beo4, A9 keyring x2, LC2 dimmer x6 and growing....

Top 200 Contributor
Posts 333
Bronze Member

Ok, through some hardcore analysis I figured it out - cannot say it was logical at first but here goes.
(finally found some use for that mandatory Data course I took 8 years ago at Uni)   

Let's start with my LG TV for which I have the following HEX codes:

Low custom code is 04

High custom code is FB

(These two are the codes to identify the device)

The data code for Channel button 1 is 11


Now, we first have to convert the HEX codes to binary:

04 FB = 0000 0001 1111 1011

11 = 0001 0001


Basically the IR code that is sent is Device code + Inverted data code + Data code

The format used in the NEC code is however a little bit different. In order to get them to work we have to rearrange the codes within themselves. Let's start with the Device code:

FIrst of all, switch place of the 04 and FB:

 0000 0100  1111 1011 --> 1111 1011  0000 0100

Next step is to rearrange the codes within themselves:

1111 1011  0000 0100 --> 1011 1111  0100 0000

Last step is to invert each binary set:

1011 1111  0100 0000 --> 1101 1111  0010 0000

Ok, so now we have the device code where the same procedure should be applied:

0001 0001 --> 0001 0001 (in this case, no difference) --> 1000 1000


Ok, and now the final format + inclusion of the inversed data code (change 0 to 1 and vice versa) as set number 3:

1101 1111  0010 0000  0111 0111  1000 1000

And then we need to add a 1 at the end and we have the code that we can paste into an XML (remove spaces).

1101 1111  0010 0000  0111 0111  1000 1000 1 (110111110010000001110111100010001)

Ok, that was channel button number 1, only 9 left to go Smile


Hope someone finds this useful.

My B&O products: Beosound 9000, Beosound 2300, Beosound Century, Beolab 8000, Beolab 6000, Beolab 4000 x2, Beolab 3500, Beolab 2000, Beolab 10, Beolink Active x2, Beotime, Beo5 x2, Beo4, A9 keyring x2, LC2 dimmer x6 and growing....

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