ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi everybody
I'm a recent owner of a beatiful MX7000 and my problem is that bass, treble and loudness are not working!
When i change the values from the remote(beolink 1000), i see it on the screen but i hear no difference.
What's wrong?
I would appreciate any advise.
Thank you,
None?? :-((
Dear Kostadis,
Welcome in Beoworld :)
Did these settings worked earlier, or You've just purchased a TV which is not working?
IMHO, if the settings can be seen on the picture, and it changes, than You should hear the difference. If it was worked earlier, then something went wrong, if it was never worked, maybe it was wrong when You purchased the item.
However, there can be different settings in the MX series for the inputs, try the settings in TV mode, and in Video mode too, maybe You will hear difference then.
NOTE: The bass/treble settings are not dramatical on the MX series, so maybe You intend to hear "more" difference, but there will be not too much difference, as these settings are for "fine tuning" and not huge changes as it can be seen on serveral music systems.
As a long time MX owner, I have no more idea. Just a remark: I never seen this kind of problem mentioned on these pages.
I hope it helps You :)