ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
i am looking for the keymapping between the beo4 and the apple remote via the puc. i would like to double check the eventual mapping of some keys.
i can not seem to find it anywhere. is there a list or a thread somewhere with this information ? thanks !
- scott
i had totally forgotten about the archived forum.
here is what i found :
up = updown = downleft = left right = rightplay = go or stopmenu = exithold play = hold gohold = hold exit
other hold functions do not seem to be correctly implemented. please correct if i missed something.
I have had a detailed look at the translation within the PUC file which was loaded into the PUC for the Apple Remote.
When you talk about HOLD I am assuming you actually mean REPEAT ?
The PUC only translates 7 commands as follows:-
· Signal1=Plus
· Signal2=Minus
· Signal3=SkipLeft
· Signal4=SkipRight
· Signal5=Menu
· Signal6=PlayPause
· Signal7=Genius
The Associations of the above commands are:-
BeoButton1=play(go) AlienButton1=PlayPause
BeoButton2=up AlienButton2=Plus
BeoButton3=down AlienButton3=Minus
BeoButton4=rewind AlienButton4=SkipLeft
BeoButton5=wind AlienButton5=SkipRight
BeoButton6=stop AlienButton6=PlayPause
BeoButton7=exit AlienButton7=Menu
BeoButton8=slow_backw Defined without any translation
BeoButton9=cont_rewind AlienButton9=SkipLeft
BeoButton10=cont_wind AlienButton10=SkipRight
BeoButton11=cont_up AlienButton11=Plus
BeoButton12=cont_down AlienButton12=Minus
BeoButton13=slow_forw Defined without any translation
BeoButton14=7 Defined without any translation
BeoButton15=9 Defined without any translation
BeoButton16=continue AlienButton16=PlayPause
BeoButton17=1 Defined without any translation
BeoButton18=sat(on) AlienButton18=PlayPause
BeoButton19=standby AlienButton19=Menu
BeoButton20=timeout AlienButton20=PlayPause
BeoButton21=0 Defined without any translation
BeoButton22=sense_on Defined without any translation
BeoButton23=cursor_up AlienButton23=Plus
BeoButton24=cursor_dw AlienButton24=Minus
BeoButton25=cursor_left AlienButton25=SkipLeft
BeoButton26=cursor_right AlienButton26=SkipRight
BeoButton27=select AlienButton27=PlayPause
BeoButton28=back AlienButton28=Menu
BeoButton29=cont_curser_up AlienButton29=Plus
BeoButton30=cont_curser_dw AlienButton30=Minus
BeoButton31=cont_curser_left AlienButton31=SkipLeft
BeoButton32=cont_curser_right AlienButton32=SkipRight
BeoButton33=cont_select AlienButton33=PlayPause
This is the actual translation done within the PUC
Regards Keith....
hi keith,
thanks for all the great info !
yes, hold is repeat. i am playing around with plex, so have been infected by their terminology. :) does repeat work then ? that would be great as it would open up more commands without going through menu.
if i understand your table, the beo4 key is read on the left and apple remote on the right. so exit, standby, and back would all correspond to menu. i do not see genius in the right column, does this mean it is not implemented ?
thanks again for your expertise,