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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Official Dealers and selling on eBay...

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Over the years I have grown used to the way Jeff ‘discusses’ - sometimes I even smile when he is posting.

Honestly I think this is his problem - not yours!

(As Simon wrote, we are all be it!)

I know, in your case it may be hard to just smile, when I think of the harshness, that some of his comments to your posts/opinions contains.

But it is the only way to get along.

Generally I do think that there should be no ‘moderation’ on this site - and that as Keith says, we should try to communicate in a decent manner.

After all we are grown ups and in most cases it works well. 

Please don’t let this bring you down - I appreciate your contribution to the forum 👍


There is a tv - and there is a BV

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Flensborg, Denmark
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To the original question, that 9 LEE raised in his initial posting.

I can’t think of any B&O dealer in Denmark, who does not offer his products online.

Most of them also have offerings at the danish Blå Avis (which basicly is ebay here) - there is nothing new there.

B&O has offered their Play line online directly for a while.

Since the Play line isn’t seen a a aeperate product category anymore, there will be some changes to come..

I am pretty sure that the products, that you may be able to set up yourself, will be sold online, regardless of being from the (now old) Bang & Olufsen line or the Play.

In case of Denmark it may seem a bit overkill, since a dealer is never far away here - but for regions with few and far away dealers, this is great, I think.

I guess the dealers are getting used to this.

A good dealer should be able to accommodate anyway - he will know that selling B&O  products now is not the same as 10 years ago.....and will never be again.

Of course this raises questions - who is responsible, when the costumers finally aren’t able to setup a product? Will the company compensate, when a dealer in the end has to help? Are the provided insructions (guides) from B&O good enough including videos etc - or can they improve..........



There is a tv - and there is a BV

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Razlaw replied on Thu, Mar 7 2019 10:34 AM
MM, thank you for your comments. I totally agree with you that it is his problem. That is largely why I have not requested that his numerous personal attacks be moderated in the past and did not do so here. Nevertheless I was very appreciative when someone else noted the overly vitriolic nature of his post and suggested moderation which prompted me to make the post listing some of his repeated personal attacks. I was glad to know someone else found his name calling offensive, even though such name calling is acceptable behavior on this forum.

Thank you again MM.

Beolab 28s Beolab 9s Beolab 12-3s Beolab 1s Beolab 6000s 2 pairs Beolab 4000s Beovision 7-55 Beovision 10-40 Beoplay V1 32 inch Beovision Avant 32 inch Beosound 1 (CD player) Beosound 3000 Beosound 5 Core Essence MKII Beoplay M5

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moxxey replied on Thu, Mar 7 2019 10:57 AM


I cannot believe this kind of tone on this forum.

PS: moderating team, please ban this guy. Calling forum members enemy is sick and immature,

I cannot believe professional individuals, who are clearly very prosperous with their daily occupation, take this forum so seriously or, more worrying, flaky enough to be worried by 'personal' comments written on a forum by individuals we're almost certain to never meet. How old are we?

This board is light-hearted, welcoming and borderline funny at times and most posts should be taken in this context. Sometimes I think people here mistake 'personal' comments because they are so keen on the brand and this dedication makes the more keen to be positive, so anything said with even a slightest negative slant is taken to heart way too easily.

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moxxey replied on Thu, Mar 7 2019 11:01 AM


That is largely why I have not requested that his numerous personal attacks be moderated in the past and did not do so here.

To be fair, you complained about the same issue with me to the moderation team too on numerous occasions in the past! And probably others. I was advised to stop replying to your posts, which makes for a very sad situation and one-sided views.

Like I said, we need to get a bit of grip at times - can't keep trying to eliminate other people on a public forum as they disagree or say something someone regards as 'personal'.

You'd be left with a board which only agrees with your side of any discussion. Like MM.

Have you been on a sports forum? There's passion beyond belief and nearly everything is 'personal'. Such is life.


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Jeff replied on Thu, Mar 7 2019 11:10 AM

Tempests in teapots

Obsessions darken and roil

Tiny waves ripple


I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus. Sad

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Puncher replied on Thu, Mar 7 2019 11:13 AM

To be fair to Jeff, compiling and publishing a list of "insults" going back over a significant period of time certainly counts as pedantic where I live!

Call me anything you like here and I'll happily laugh at it, if its funny enough I'll even tell my friends!

Ban boring signatures!

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Jeff replied on Thu, Mar 7 2019 11:17 AM



That is largely why I have not requested that his numerous personal attacks be moderated in the past and did not do so here.

To be fair, you complained about the same issue with me to the moderation team too on numerous occasions in the past! And probably others. I was advised to stop replying to your posts, which makes for a very sad situation and one-sided views.

Like I said, we need to get a bit of grip at times - can't keep trying to eliminate other people on a public forum as they disagree or say something someone regards as 'personal'.

You'd be left with a board which only agrees with your side of any discussion. Like MM.

Have you been on a sports forum? There's passion beyond belief and nearly everything is 'personal'. Such is life.


Interesting. I've never seen you say anything I would even begin to think would warrant that.



I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus. Sad

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Jeff replied on Thu, Mar 7 2019 11:18 AM


To be fair to Jeff, compiling and publishing a list of "insults" going back over a significant period of time certainly counts as pedantic where I live!

Call me anything you like here and I'll happily laugh at it, if its funny enough I'll even tell my friends!

It does have a kind of an Ahab feeling to it as well.


I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus. Sad

Emil Jensen
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Have you been on a sports forum? There's passion beyond belief and nearly everything is 'personal'. Such is life.



I have not, but I am on many tech forums, and no forum I have been following is as toxic as BEOWORLD can be some times. And it comes from a very few people. You should be able to discuss with every side, but have to agree with Razlaw that Jeff is not trying to discuss he is trying to provoke.

You are saying dont be provoke and yes that is a easy solution, but even though I am not in the debate I feel it extremely provoking and feel the comments from Jeff is out of place.


Beovision Harmony 77" 2nd Gen, Beolab 5, Beolab 17, Beosound 1, Beoplay M3, Beoplay Portal, Beoplay Earset, Beoliving Intelligence 

Top 25 Contributor
South West, UK
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moxxey replied on Thu, Mar 7 2019 12:35 PM

Emil Jensen:

I have not, but I am on many tech forums, and no forum I have been following is as toxic as BEOWORLD can be some times. 

I'm not sure that is the case. In my example, Razlaw argued to the moderators that I wasn't positive about the brand and therefore should be banned from the board. Overlooking (or ignoring) the fact I have more B&O kit than most people, including just about every speaker combination!

We mistake 'toxic' for a lack of passion or negativity. There's a group of people here who are so super-passionate about the brand that they see anyone who isn't of a similar vein as being toxic. No, just more...realistic.

For all my love of the brand and years or purchasing, I do have a little anger too. Rightly, I should add. I was effectively a BV7-40 beta-tester for over a year. When I purchased my BV11-40, the dealer went bust two weeks later taking my deposit and TV with them. I was ignored by B&O UK and pushed to the creditors and told that a B&O store isn't really a B&O store as it's not owned by the brand. So they make all these rules and regulations that a franchised owner has to follow, but will happily disown the store (and customers) if they go under!

Leaves you with a bad taste, however much you want to continue - and do continue - to support the brand. It's like your girlfriend constantly sleeping with other blokes, forgiving her as she's so important to you. You still want to be with her, but part of you has never really forgiven her.

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Razlaw replied on Thu, Mar 7 2019 12:39 PM



To be fair, you complained about the same issue with me to the moderation team too on numerous occasions in the past! And probably others. I was advised to stop replying to your posts, which makes for a very sad situation and one-sided views.


Like I said, we need to get a bit of grip at times - can't keep trying to eliminate other people on a public forum as they disagree or say something someone regards as 'personal'.


You'd be left with a board which only agrees with your side of any discussion. Like MM.


Have you been on a sports forum? There's passion beyond belief and nearly everything is 'personal'. Such is life.



I have no problem with disagreements or spirited, even heated discussions. Personal attacks and name calling are completely different. Forums are for debate and disagreement. They should not be a place to tell others others that they are worthless, as Jeff has done.

Beolab 28s Beolab 9s Beolab 12-3s Beolab 1s Beolab 6000s 2 pairs Beolab 4000s Beovision 7-55 Beovision 10-40 Beoplay V1 32 inch Beovision Avant 32 inch Beosound 1 (CD player) Beosound 3000 Beosound 5 Core Essence MKII Beoplay M5

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Jeff replied on Thu, Mar 7 2019 12:52 PM


Emil Jensen:

I have not, but I am on many tech forums, and no forum I have been following is as toxic as BEOWORLD can be some times. 

I'm not sure that is the case. In my example, Razlaw argued to the moderators that I wasn't positive about the brand and therefore should be banned from the board. Overlooking (or ignoring) the fact I have more B&O kit than most people, including just about every speaker combination!

We mistake 'toxic' for a lack of passion or negativity. There's a group of people here who are so super-passionate about the brand that they see anyone who isn't of a similar vein as being toxic. No, just more...realistic.

If the idea is that only people who are super duper enthusiastic about everything the company does should be allowed to post, you might as well just like up a table full of bobble-head dolls and occasionally bump the table to watch them nod. Someone needs to point out the fact that the emperor is naked before he catches a cold. But sadly I've seen too many places in the modern, or should I say post modern, even post post modern, world are tending towards a kind of homogeneous and boring mix because people are losing the ability to deal with people not exactly like them, especially on far too many political sites where you would hope for vigorous debate.

For people who actually think anything that has ever happened on Beoworld, at least since I've been here to see, rises above merely amusing to toxic(!), well, you must have led a remarkably sheltered life and been wrapped in bubble wrap since birth.


I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus. Sad

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Razlaw replied on Thu, Mar 7 2019 1:15 PM





Beolab 28s Beolab 9s Beolab 12-3s Beolab 1s Beolab 6000s 2 pairs Beolab 4000s Beovision 7-55 Beovision 10-40 Beoplay V1 32 inch Beovision Avant 32 inch Beosound 1 (CD player) Beosound 3000 Beosound 5 Core Essence MKII Beoplay M5

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Razlaw replied on Thu, Mar 7 2019 1:17 PM
Emil Jensen:

I have not, but I am on many tech forums, and no forum I have been following is as toxic as BEOWORLD can be some times. And it comes from a very few people. You should be able to discuss with every side, but have to agree with Razlaw that Jeff is not trying to discuss he is trying to provoke.

You are saying dont be provoke and yes that is a easy solution, but even though I am not in the debate I feel it extremely provoking and feel the comments from Jeff is out of place.

Beovision Eclipse, Beolab 20, Beosound 1 Google assist, Beoplay M3, Beoplay H6

You some it up very well....huge difference between debate, even heated debate, and intentional provocation.

Beolab 28s Beolab 9s Beolab 12-3s Beolab 1s Beolab 6000s 2 pairs Beolab 4000s Beovision 7-55 Beovision 10-40 Beoplay V1 32 inch Beovision Avant 32 inch Beosound 1 (CD player) Beosound 3000 Beosound 5 Core Essence MKII Beoplay M5

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kallasr replied on Thu, Mar 7 2019 1:56 PM

And the provocation is trollerated eh tolerated….

I do NOT think it is or was funny or unintentional etc in any way.

Still very irritated this if fine for several members on this forum.

Time for a pause for me.



PS: Sadly, no IGNORE button for members' posts on this forum.




Living Room: Beosystem 4, Beolab 7-2 (Center), Beolab 9 (Fronts), Beolab 8000 (Rears), no Subwoofer. Screen: Sony KD-85XH9096
Dining Room: Beosound Essence MK II with Beolab 4000 on stands, fed by Amazon Echo Show 8
Home Cinema: Beosystem 4, Beolab 7-4 (Center), Beolab 1 (Fronts), Beolab 4000 (Rears). Projector: Sony VPL-HW55
Home Office: Beosystem 3, Beolab 7-4, Beolab 5000, Screen: Sony KD-55XH9005 on Beovision 7-40 stand, ML to Beosound 9000 MK3 and Beosound 5/Beomaster 5 (1 TB SSD version)
Bedroom: Sony KD-65XH9077, Beosound Essence MK II with Beolab 6002 and Beolab 11 (all white, wall-mounted)

In storage: Beolab 5000/Beomaster 5000 (1960s). 

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Razlaw replied on Thu, Mar 7 2019 8:16 PM


And the provocation is trollerated eh tolerated….

I do NOT think it is or was funny or unintentional etc in any way.

Still very irritated this if fine for several members on this forum.

Time for a pause for me.



PS: Sadly, no IGNORE button for members' posts on this forum.


The ignore button would be a great idea. Fortunately there is always the option of ignoring certain individuals' posts  if desired. 





Beolab 28s Beolab 9s Beolab 12-3s Beolab 1s Beolab 6000s 2 pairs Beolab 4000s Beovision 7-55 Beovision 10-40 Beoplay V1 32 inch Beovision Avant 32 inch Beosound 1 (CD player) Beosound 3000 Beosound 5 Core Essence MKII Beoplay M5

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moxxey replied on Fri, Mar 8 2019 10:16 AM


I have no problem with disagreements or spirited, even heated discussions. Personal attacks and name calling are completely different. Forums are for debate and disagreement. They should not be a place to tell others others that they are worthless, as Jeff has done.

Correct, but there's a super-fine line, online, between seeing something as 'personal' and just having a discussion. You saw our previous 'discussion' a few years ago as personal, for example, and it was far from it and moderation agreed. I was just keen to point out at the time that I'd somewhat lost some passion for the brand as I felt mistreated by two store closures and losing money without any support from B&O. Quick to stamp on stores to make sure they toe the line, but equally as quick to distance themselves when a store gets into trouble....and distance themselves from their customers, too.

At the time we disagreed as you thought my negativity over the above was causing potential new users, coming to this board for B&O advice, to see this negativity and be put off the brand, thinking we should only be positive to encourage people to purchase. I disagreed as it's the only arena where it was made possible to vent a little anger at a brand I've supported for years and suddenly they'd left me on my own and to my own devices.

Aussie Michael
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9 LEE:

So... swerving away from Tesla and Polestar....

Do we think 'online only' selling of Bang & Olufsen products is the way forward? B&O clearly don't, otherwise they'd let their dealers sell on eBay as just one of the selling platforms available.

I have to admit I'm pretty confused at the moment. Their website is a mess and their new internal ROS system is a mess, so it's kinda pointing to the fact that computers, the internet, and Bang & Olufsen aren't the best bedfellows at present?


I thought in their annual report they were creating a new online platform and i even saw job ads for such a thing.

But if the company gets money from people as dealers to set up shop as an agency model and then decides to undercut the agency and go direct, then i think that’s criminal.

If eBay is a way for a dealer to reach more customers then kudos to them. It just seems a bit counter intuitive for eBay to take 10% then paypal to take their cut, when they could have offered a limited run or discount (to the same or lesser) to existing / potential customers.
Aussie Michael
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PS i love the website update of

Much more intuitive

Question though, if they are getting rid of BeoPlay as a brand, what will the BeoPlay A1 etc be named now? A1?
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There is actually a german website that sells B&O online. However, I do not know if they are connected to a store. One lane dealer network in also sells some of their display models and cables on ebay. However, the reason I would buy online rather than from the dealer would be a significant price difference (probably 20%), and that is not the case.

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