ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I think I was about 13 or so when I saw it, and yeah, she haunted my adolescent dreams!
There were several things about it though that were ahead of its time though. The aliens being in oxygenated liquid to increase their G tolerance for one. The harvesting of human organs for transplants for another. And they were fairly dark at times, the one where an alien sniper shot out the window of the moon station causing people to be spaced. I did love the purple hair.
Interestingly enough, the TV show The Expanse (originally a SyFy channels show) had a Belter (a person born and raised in microgravity in the asteroid belt) being tortured by being subjected to full 1 G Earth gravity, finally the UN powers that be stopped it and they kept him in a tank full of water with a breathing mask. The movie Event Horizon had the crew get into liquid filled capsules before a high G boost. So, UFO was ahead of its time.
I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus.
loved the car phones and the moonbase silver miniskirts
Peter the Biker:Re Syfy shows: I watched The German show “Raumpatrouille” Re fun: I am missing the Wedthread, which was partly drowned in too much alcohol...
Re fun: I am missing the Wedthread, which was partly drowned in too much alcohol...
I think that the Wedthred was successful when there was more than a critical mass of participants ( with the necessary sense of humour!) The numbers dropped.... and for me, once jandyt (Andy) started taking more interest in checking his dustbin for dog poop bags dropped by passing dog walkers than posting on the Wedthred, the writing was on the wall.
Ahhh, the Wedthred - some of the funniest conversations I've had happened on Wednesdays! I remember with fondness the pipe organ constructed entirely from Giraffes complete with a dancing giant Halibut!
Ban boring signatures!
Ah yes Wednesday, everyone's favourite forum post
Yeah I need to be a bit more onto it, I blame moving between hemispheres and the ongoing unpacking and plugging back in of B&O kit. All done now though so hey
Puncher:You've no idea how much this saddens me if it's in anyway a true reflection upon where we are heading as a race!
To quote the Gadfather: "Slowly we inch toward the abyss of infinite darkness." Just realized this is my first post in almost 15 months.
Vähintään yhdeksänkymmentä prosenttia suomalainen!
I've never seen it sadly. I'll have to look and see if I can find it under the Space Patrol title over here.
I did get into a much later show which was a joint German/Canadian production, "Lexx." Low budget but wildly creative and completely bent.
beocool:Just realized this is my first post in almost 15 months.
Beo4 'til I die!
Young Evan! - how the devil are you!??
(and Beek of course)!
Puncher: Young Evan! - how the devil are you!?? (and Beek of course)!
Doing great! I'm a living, breathing (and maybe even contributing) member of society these days haha!
Hope all is well, Punch
I tend to agree - the fun went as the products became so similar to others on the market. And not working as well. In my case, I am also now working harder than ever and simply don't have the time that I did. When we first set up, I felt I knew all the products and could explain how they worked and gave a reasonably helpful opinion. I am now miles behind and my interest in the latest TVs can be seen in the fact that my 3 main TVs are a CRT Avant, a BV3 and a BV5!!
Still fantastic and great sound by the way!!
Evan: Puncher: Young Evan! - how the devil are you!?? (and Beek of course)! Doing great! I'm a living, breathing (and maybe even contributing) member of society these days haha! Hope all is well, Punch
Chipper as always, thanks. Nice to see you're no longer a drain on resources!
I still browse around here once in a while !
I don't have much to ask or comment about lately. Just like so many others Life, work, family and other obligations have taken over most of my time. I also am not up to date with all the newer gear, so I can't really help anyone out with that. Only thing I am in the market for currently is a good deal on a US beosystem 3.
I also moved a couple of years ago and most of my gear is still boxed .... All we use right now is the old Ouverture with BL2500 speakers. Which is certainly not the worst but not ideal either. I have been liquidating some of my gear as it no longer works in our space. But I'll be asking a few questions and tips on how to set my other stuff back up over the next few months.
I have a beolab 7.1 which seems dead so that'll be the first thing to get checked out, after that it'll be my BL8000's which are dire need of a tune up. Over the summer I'll be looking to find some threads with tips on how to get the best out of them again.
Glad to see many familiar names again !
cooldude:Only thing I am in the market for currently is a good deal on a US beosystem 3.
2x BeoSystem 3, BeoSystem 5000, BeoSystem 6500, 2x BeoMaster 7000, 2 pair of BeoLab Penta mk2, AV 7000, Beolab 4000, BeoSound 4000, Playmaker, BeoLab 2500, S-45, S-45.2, RL-140, CX-50, C-75, 3x CX-100, 3x MCL2 link rooms, 3x Beolab 2000, M3, P2, Earset, A8 earphones, A3, 2x 4001 relay, H3, H3 ANC, H6, 2014 Audi S5 with B&O sound, and ambio
Not happening here in Canada, I’m afraid 😟 , hence trying to source in the US.
Evan:Doing great! I'm a living, breathing (and maybe even contributing) member of society these days haha!
Just translating so Young Evan knows what he is writing
Es geht mir gut, Ich lebe, Ich atme (ab und zu zahle Ich Steuern) Ich bin Mitglied in eine Wohngemeinschaft
Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.
Agree with everything said so far, the fun element seems to have gone - I used to check the forum regularly for updates but have been doing so less and less recently as there's not much to interest me.
PaulW's posts used to really wind me up but they were fun, mainly because he made such an idiot of himself. I suspect he is in a coffee bar somewhere with his Macbook pro and racing bike leaning against the window whilst he is reading this, that or planning a save the planet surfing trip
I guess this is the age of twitter, instagram and unsocial media
Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.
Don’t know about you old timers.....but I’m still having fun 😃
Craig: Don’t know about you old timers.....but I’m still having fun 😃 craig
Ey up! How's things in Craig-land?
He's aliiiii-iiii-ve !!!!
One of the original BeoWorld crew from the olden times. How are you fella?!
It's been all down hill since PaulW and TripEnglish left.
Still keeping an eye on proceedings here Enjoyed the bants (my daughter would roll her eyes if she saw me use that word)
If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.
Stonk: Still keeping an eye on proceedings here Enjoyed the bants (my daughter would roll her eyes if she saw me use that word)
Stonk!! You've been missed .... but I've upped the contract!
Pipe and slipper types slowly showing that they are still there, waiting for Valve 1, the drunken Irishman
Hello everybody. I confess not posting much lately. Just not enough time - there was a time when I actually read everything on Beoworld apart from some uninteresting topics in foreign language. Currently my list of "not read" topics spans some 90 pages
I try to check the moderating queue a couple of times a day, and also scan the new topics in case there is something interesting. I do miss the silly WedThred days! I agree that these days people seem so easily offended that it is very dangerous to post anything "fun" unless you already know who you are talking to...
Ola gringo ! I will drink to that .... while enjoying my B&O
Søren Mexico: Pipe and slipper types slowly showing that they are still there, waiting for Valve 1, the drunken Irishman
tournedos: I do miss the silly WedThred days!
Yeah, those were the days
valve1: Ola gringo ! I will drink to that .... while enjoying my B&O Søren Mexico: Pipe and slipper types slowly showing that they are still there, waiting for Valve 1, the drunken Irishman
Nice to see you active again Eddie
Søren Mexico:Nice to see you active again Eddie
Thanks Soren, I have been here all the time. I think its simply a case of Im a"cable guy" ! All this streaming dropping and apps is beyond me.The best thing I have seen recently on Beoworld has been Dennis getting the 4401.
This has affected me in two ways - Beo envy and Beo lust , its been a long time since that happened.
For me, and I don't type this lightly, but Beoworld got boring... Sorry.....
It became the same couple of people answering EVERY question or commenting on EVERY post in a serious tone. The good people left, the fun people got berated, and Wedthread disappeared to a different area so seemed to get forgotten
At the same time I got busier and less interested in Beoworld as it was just not entertaining anymore
If my flaky memory serves me right its been about 7 years since i posted, glad to see the Wednesday bunch are still alive , i remember it very fondly , convinced at one point that puncher was actually KEZ as a small boy 😂
Sorry to say i pretty much agree with johnathan.
As for fun, well its wednesday today isnt it ?
Jason :convinced at one point that puncher was actually KEZ as a small boy 😂
I had forgotten about that !!
Its the first thing i remembered 😆😂😄
Jonathan:It became the same couple of people answering EVERY question or commenting on EVERY post in a serious tone.
100% this.
Beolab 50, Beolab 8000 x 2, Beolab 4000 x 2, BeoSound Core, BeoSound 9000, BeoSound Century, BeoLit 15, BeoPlay A1, BeoPlay P2, BeoPlay H9 3rd Gen, BeoPlay H6, EarSet 3i, BeoVision Eclipse Gen 2 55", BeoPlay V1-40, BeoCom 6000 and so much else :)