ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I have a 1993 Beosystem 7000 which has worked great for the last 19 years. However, the metal CD drawer is now sticking and sometimes needs to be pushed in to close and sometimes has to be pulled out when opening.
Does anyone know of any easy fix for this problem?
Also, is there anywhere you can get your remote control serviced / fixed? The Liquid Crystal display is faulty and the letters don't all show up. I know this is a common, age related problem but is there any way to fix, replace to resolve this problem?
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First issue sounds like a slipping belt.I have correct belts.
Regarding the remote control, the only solution is usually to replace the display, alternatively findanother working remote
Agree with Martin on both counts. I suspect it is cheaper to get a 'new' second hand Beo4 than repair what you have. If a beolink 5000, trickier as these are rare and expensive. Also the most annoying remote I have had! The Beolink 1000 on the other hand is a dream and can be used as a club and still work!
Is the remote a Beolink 5000 or a Beo4?
The latter is definitely worth having fixed. The spare part display is not expensive and many dealers might replace it for you while you wait, as it doesn't really take more than 10 minutes.
Spare parts for Beolink 5000 are not available and as far as I know, nobody has found a way to repair the displays, so there's very little that can be done about it.
Many thanks for the comments and advice. The remote, as luck would have it, is the Beolink 5000.
Re the belts, I live on Crete and would guess the nearest B & O dealer is in Athens ie a plane ride away. Is the belt easy to change or does it need special tools and trained technicians?
Martin normally sends instructions - the 7000 comes apart very easily and most bits are quite easy to get to.
Replacing the belt is a 5-minute job.I can supply a correct belt incl. mounting instructions with photos and english text.Drop me an email.
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