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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


tangetial arm decks trouble playing some new vinyl

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This post has 3 Replies | 1 Follower

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Rexe88 Posted: Tue, Mar 19 2019 10:48 AM

I have searched the forums but have not encountered this question.......I have a Beogram 6500 and new stylus but I notice that sometimes it will not play some new vinyl (starts but then arm returns). Some records seem to be slightly out of perfect round and I can see the arm being moved horizontally more than usual and I suspect that to be the issue in some cases. Other times, the record seems perfectly round but the stylus won't catch the groove or returns after starting.

Wondering if other tangential deck owners experience the same or if its an issue that I can fix.

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JulianJ replied on Tue, Mar 19 2019 11:10 AM

Would this be any help?

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Rexe88 replied on Wed, Mar 20 2019 1:35 AM

Thanks for the reply Julian. I have read through it, but before following those actions, I have a quick question, did you notice that behavior every time or was it more random?

the behavior I am noticing seems to be more affected by the vinyl.....but maybe my observations are incorrect.

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JulianJ replied on Mon, Mar 25 2019 9:32 AM

It was a few years ago now, sorry I can't remember... The other item to check would be the stylus pressure, there is a slider on the tonearm. Also, have the transport screws been correctly set?

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