ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi, I've just purchased a 2nd hand Essence MK2 to add some new sources to my set-up and wanted to map Spotify to a Masterlink ML source in my NL/ML converter. Unfortunately all I see for essence sources are TuneIn, Line-In, QPlay, Bluetooth and Music under the 'Sources visible on ML' screen. I have linked my Spotify account (which is premium) in the Essence using spotify connect. I was expecting Spotify to be listed as a source, and to also be able to see it on the Beovision 11, but it's missing there too. I have tried mapping 'Music' to an ML source, but spotify doesn't get routed through the ML source after starting playback to the Essence in Spotify Connect. Should I not be able to see Deezer and Airplay as sources too? The Country is set to UK in the settings screen.
My device says the software is up to date and is running software Version 1.19.28551.247164415
Any help would be appreciated!
Many thanks,
You cannot send Spotify connect and Airplay to ML side. This was never possible with the NL/ML converter. Only the source you have list up.
Music = Deezer + local DLNA server (the music that play last, will start) if its deezer or music from your dlna server (change music in the app, and it play on the ML side.
B&O will not update this anymore, they decide to stop support new function to the ML side when NL/ML converter was obsolete from the market last year.
Remember Masterlink was first introduce with Master Control Link (MCL) in 1985 until Master Link was introduced in 1992 as an easier and more convenient way to distribute music (and video) around the house. But when Nl/ML converter was launch in 2012 it was the why to integrate Masterlink and network link together. But after Nl/Ml converter was taken off the market, end of 2017.
It was the end of integration this old Masterlink, that is close to 30 years old.
So some limitations have it always been.
I guess this is not that much about B&O wanting to update the sw of the converter.
The redistribution of Spotify (Connect) and AirPlay is cripled due to restriction from Spotify and Apple - (there are also some ‘technical’ problems/limitations with redistribution there).
There is a tv - and there is a BV
Thanks for both of your replies. I figured out last night that i can 'join' spotify from my BV11 in another room after spotify connect playback has started, and the same applies to Airplay. Interestingly after joining Spotify, the device name in spotify gets updated to show both beo devices; Essence + BV11. I noticed that the NL 'Spotify' source only becomes visible to the BV11 when the spotify connect session is created, and JOIN is listed as the button for it in the source list. I suspect the technical limitation is with spotify connect as the session has to be established from their app first before playback can start, whereas with Deezer devices can login directly. Bluetooth works from my phone to the essence and has media control but seems a shame as the sound quality will be significantly reduced. I'll give Deezer a go after this month's Spotify is up. In the mean time though I found an Android app which I'll try out that bridges DNLA receivers to spotify connect , if it works it should allow me to see the 'Music' DNLA source (which I can map to ML) as a spotify connect device.
Joining Spotify Connect from an Essence 2nd gen to my BV’s is what (and others) do have done since quite a while now.
This works well - you can even pause/play and skip tracks from the BV’s.
I am not so sure that using the named app will let you play to the converter/the ML part of your setup.
But it will be interesting to hear about your little experiment.
If you are not sure whether you want to continue with Spotify, Deezer would solve that problem.
A workaround - if you really want to use Spotify as your streaming service - is to connect a Spotify compatible device to the line-in of the Essence.
Something like this: Just configure that for Spotify, forget rhe AudioCast app and use it as a Spotify Connect receiver only.
If you are an iOS user, you (once enabled in the settings for the Essence) can use AirPlay for distribution of Spotify (in my opinion not very handy, but it works).
The redistribution - of course - only works on the NL side of the setup.
The mentioned AudioCast receiver could also be connected to the line-input of the NL/ML Converter and then be used in NL as well as in ML.
Thanks for the advice as always MM. My test succeeded using the android app I found, however there is a big delay of a few seconds which is probably due to transcoding on a phone, and the next & prev control on the beo4 didn't work. The Masterlink speakers were indeed able to listen in to the bridged Spotify on the mapped 'Music' NL source too.
I also have Logitech Media Server (Squeezebox LMS) running at home and was able to achieve the same using two LMS plugins; 'Spotty' and 'Upnp/DNLA Bridge'. The latter creates an emulated LMS player for each DNLA receiver found on the network and the Spotty plugin creates a Spotify Connect device for each LMS player... this worked and created a spotify connect device for the Essence's DNLA receiver and played with no noticeable delay, however it only lasted a few songs before freezing!.. So it can technically be done, but is not practical.
Can I ask you how I can get Airplay to be distributed? I have seen screen shots of 'Apple' being listed under the 'Your content' menu in the Essence's web admin, but it's not there for me. The link on the B&O web page for more info on this is broken unfortunately .
Millemissen: Edit: The redistribution - of course - only works on the NL side of the setup. The mentioned AudioCast receiver could also be connected to the line-input of the NL/ML Converter and then be used in NL as well as in ML. MM
Nice to know that that app works.
However - as you noted - it’s not the way to go due to too much convertion and the delay.
I have had a Squeezebox Touch connected to the line-in of my Essence ‘forever’ - in fact the Squeezebox/es was/were my first real multiroom setup....
....connected to the old audiomaster and the tv’s back in the days.
It also runs Spotify (the old plugin still works fine there). I seldom use it anymore, but as far as I remember it worked fine, also over a longer time.
The drawback - of course - is, that you will have to use one of the apps, that exists for the Squeezebox....and that there is no way to control play/pause etc with a beoremote.
But, it could be used - and could also be used with the line-in of the converter.
(Personally I would rather use the AudioCast device there instead - because this is reachable in the native Spotify app as a receiver).
As for the Airplay distribution - they seem to have moved that setting....see screenshot.
Using Airplay distribution allows for pause/play etc commands, which is fine.
It’s funny - in the app, when using AP BeoLink distribution, it states that ‘this source does not allow for multiroom’.
None the less it works fine - I can include all devices, if I want to.
Listening right now on my V1.
I haven’t seen this note before 🤔
Many thanks, I will try AirPlay on the ipad this evening. I've not been able to use the DNLA player in the b&o app before getting the Essence and actually quite like it, I didn't think I would. I'm using Serviio as the server which is working well it also includes a Random Music option which neither LMS or Plex provide over DNLA. And of course the beo4 provides track control :) Maybe I should go back to buying CDs and Mp3s!
Hopefully one day I will have a white v1 TV for the kitchen - I already have a passive amp ready for it to drive ceiling speakers :)
ebnrob: Maybe I should go back to buying CDs and Mp3s!
Maybe I should go back to buying CDs and Mp3s!
I have quite a lot on my NAS and in the cupboard - hardly ever use them, after starting to stream from Spotify.
How about trying Deezer out - should work with the converter/ML.
Good luck exploring the possibilities.
I came up with a good solution night that works... I discovered that my Google Home mini can be paired to bluetooth speakers so I went ahead and paired it to the Essence. This worked and straight away I was able to start Spotify playback to the Essence via voice control! The Google Home mini is listed as a device in the Spotify app (windows and mobile), and the last feature is the icing on the cake.. media controls on the beo4 remote work! This Includes Play, Stop, Next and Prev. The track info is also displayed on screen on my BV11 :) I have Bluetooth now mapped to a ML source. I'll still try out Deezer next month though.
Thanks for sharing the info about pairing the Google home mini with the BT of the Essence and that its working to control via the BEO 4 - there is the part I usually miss (don't want to be forced to use the Spotify app and mobile to change the music).//S
BS3 DVB-HD, BV7-40 MKIII, BC6-26, BC6-23, BV4-50/BS2, BS5, BS9000, BL3500, MLGW, BLGW, PlayMaker, - BS6500, BS4500, LX6000, VX7000, MX5500, VX5000 - Beo6, Beo5, BeoTimex2, Linctonic